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cantering and even giving little bucks without falling down. We learned when we led him
that as long as you talked to him and told him what to do he was able to understand and
his body would react to the commands. Halting was one of the hardest parts but once he
heard the word “whoa” his body would react and he would not fall forward.
Finally a dream
came true. During
this time we had put
in a new dressage
arena but it had not
been ridden in yet.
My dream was to
have Bert’s hoof
prints be the frst.
On Thanksgiving
Day, November 2008 I climbed onto Bert bareback and took him
out for a walk onto the new dressage arena. Bert loved it and was
ready to work. This is a horse that would get excited as soon as
he saw saddle and bridle and you could tell that day that he was
ready. Our Bert had come back to us. It was a day of Thanksgiving.
Bert is now 26 years old and is as “healthy as a horse.” I take
him out on rides at the walk and occasionally trot but he loves to
just get out there and do something. He is a joy to work with and
he is my best friend. I have learned so much these past 22 years
with this horse and I look forward to each day we have together.
Through this experience I have learned to listen to your horse,
never give up and to give your horse the best quality of life that you
can. May you all go out and give your horse a hug today.  
About the writer: Vee Kreitz grew up in Southern California and started
taking western riding lessons when she was eight years old. She continued
to ride at Orange Coast College, California Polytechnic University Pomona,
and worked for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department exercising and
caring for all the mounted unit horses while keeping her jumper in San Juan
Capistrano. Vee studied equine science and took part in many disciplines
including jumpers, western, eventing, gymkhana and driving; but her true love
is dressage and trail riding.
Bert in 2004