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Alessandra Shultz, Editorial
Intern -
When I was fve years old, I
obsessed over the dog in the movie
Air Bud, so I begged my parents
for a Golden Retriever puppy. My
happiest Christmas memory was
fnding my new puppy, Cheyenne,
under the tree.
Ann Reilly, Sports Psychology
Columnist -
My favorite Christmas
activity is making a Christmas/
Holiday photo card with my horses
in it. In this photo I got a friend to
take a photo of “Sleepy” biting the
snowman’s carrot nose. It was
great fun, my best card ever and
Sleepy ate a lot of carrots before
we got the perfect photo.
Kayce Douglass, Mountain
States Sales Representative
My most wonderful Christmas
memory is when my three boys
were young and we were putting
the colorful Christmas lights on the
trees outside, with our dogs and
horses. There was a chill in the air
and we all had cold snowfakes on
our faces. The pony had a big red
ribbon around her neck, and we
were all smiling and happy being
together. Then we went inside and
had lots of hot chocolate, whipped
cream and marshmallows.
Lisa Hollister, Equine
Law Columnist
- Fox
Hunting on Thanksgiving
is always something my
daughter Ammon and I
look forward to. We not
only share a wonderful
morning with each other,
our horses and a fask
full of something yummy
but we also take the
opportunity to snap a
photo for our Christmas
cards. (Hence the
antlers on Shaw Shank)
Maria Wynne, European
Connection Columnist
- My
favorite memory is taking a lovely
chestnut called Cinch hunting
while in the United States,
keeping right up front, jumping
everything, being sent on point
and being told after the Hunt
Breakfast “Oh, I was a bit
worried, he ran on the fat won
a lot of money. He has never
hunted in his life and hadn’t
jumped a fence in his life before
you rode him.” What the head
doesn’t know the heart and
mind doesn’t worry about!
Mindy Coretz,
Social Media
- One year
for Hanukkah I was
opening a small box
expecting a necklace
or gift card and was
elated to fnd a USEF
Registration card for
“Gym Socks,” my
frst pony and all time
favorite holiday gift!
Sydney Maters Durieux,
Contributing Writer
Freezing with my friends
inside the barn, feeding
Christmas cookies and
treats to the horses
while my mom and the
other adults kept warm
and toasty (and maybe
getting just a little bit
“toasted”) in the tiny tack
room, sitting next to a
little heater, drinking hot
mulled wine out of paper
cups. No, it wasn’t a
glamorous fete (nor was
it particularly warm!) but
these parties were flled
with good friends, good
times and wonderful
Editorial Intern
- I
don’t have a horse
of my own so I don’t
have a great holiday
memory revolving
around horses, but
my favorite thing to do
during the holidays is
go with my family to
see the Nutcracker by
the Cincinnati Ballet,
although last year we
shook things up and
saw A Christmas Carol!