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night before, Laura Kraut, Lauren Hough, Beezie Madden and
Jessica Springsteen, who sat a few seats away from us during
the Equitation Finals.
Jennifer brought us up to the riders’ observation area where
several other off-duty equestrians were waiting for the jumps
to be assembled. I saw U.S. Olympic team member Reed
Kessler with her trainers Henri and Katie Prudent, talking
strategy. Brianne met us at the gate to the arena after a quick
consultation with her trainer and we took a few requisite
pictures. I’d seen the course diagram on paper, designed by
Anthony D’Ambrosio; but it was entirely different seeing each
jump up-close and personal.
As we counted strides, walking from vertical to oxer, Brianne
showed me her strategy in going for a clean round. There were
several sharp turns that could cost a rider precious time, which
she pointed out as a consideration. A triple combination would
require a lot of concentration and just the right pace. And the
slats on one jump were so delicate that, without enough height,
they would likely tumble. I asked her if she was nervous -- I
certainly was, with so much talent in one place -- but Brianne
explained that it was par for the sport.
The ringmaster signaled to clear the course, and I wished
Brianne lots of luck. Nine riders, Brianne amongst them,
cleared the course without a single fault and advanced to the
jump-off. Brianne unfortunately did not make the top spot; Reed
Kessler sped through the short course despite the pressure of
going last, with the competition narrowing the window of time
to under 34 seconds.
I left the Verizon Center arena that night with a new
perspective and a greater appreciation for the precision and
athleticism of both horse and rider. Thank you Sidelines and
WIHS for providing me with an enlightening and truly one-of-a-
kind experience that I will never forget!
Brianne explains her strategy to Mallory. Brianne placed ninth
in the class (she jumped clean and returned to the jump-off)
while Reed Kessler, pictured walking on the course, rode away
as the winner.