time came that he needed tobe put down. It was time forAnna’s
angel to spreadhiswings.
Hope, however, was not gone.Aero’s journey taughtAnna the
importance of proper nutritionand thedifference it canmake in
the lives of horseswho are considered hopeless cases. Shehad
seen a proper diet transforma sickly, tired horse into a youthful
horsewith energy and spirit. She knewAero didnot die for
nothing. His lifehad somuchmore purpose than that.
Anna had beenasked by several people for help toachieve
proper nutrition for their horses. But spending several hours a
day shredding fruits and vegetables, cutting grass and cooking
chamomile teawas not an option for everyone.
At the suggestion of a patient’s son, she decided to start a
feed company, calledCryptoAero, whichnowmakeswhole-
food horse feed available for everyonewithout the stressAnna
Aero’s legacy lives onasAnna helps other horses feel just as
great as he did for those fewmonths. His story and his success
will enableother horses to live the fullest lifepossible—all in
memory of CryptoAero.
Formore informationonCryptoAero, visit
Photo byMarcoEsteves