Le Fash: Fashions
in the Fast Lane
By Dani Moritz
A life-long equestrian and fashionista, Arianna Vastino saw the
connection between horses and fashion in high fashion clothing
lines, but noticed the exact opposite with equestrian apparel.
Although companies like Ralph Lauren and Gucci have been
selling equestrian-inspired clothing for years, she felt equestrian
apparel companies just weren’t catching on.
“What I wanted to do with Le Fash is create riding clothes that
were a little more high end that had a fashion appeal to them,”
said Arianna.
In 2011, she launched Le Fash – an equestrian fashion
collection suitable for showing, schooling and walking through the
streets of New York. The line is a favorite among top riders like
Jennifer Alfano and Maggie Jayne.
Arianna combined her experience in the hunter/jumper ring
and years of working in the fashion industry to produce a clothing
line that would appeal to equestrians and non-equestrians alike –
even women looking for professional apparel.
“I wanted to create high fashion for riders that would also
create clothes that would really appeal to non-riders who like the
equestrian style,” Arianna said. “All of our clothes are designed
to cross over into your everyday life, so it doesn’t look like riding
attire when you are out in the city, at work or with your friends and,
of course, it does look like traditional riding attire when you’re in
the show ring.”
Le Fash products are made with high quality fabrics, like
bamboo, to provide attire perfect for performance and the fashion
scene. The clothing line reflects vintage riding and hunt attire,
enhancing the line with details like plaids, richer hues and golden
and silver buttons that emulate hunt club pins.
Arianna says another hit feature is the color blocking style in
their show shirts. “[This style] has become our trademark and
is not only because it creates a slimming feature when worn,
but also is very on trend,” she said. “Polished off with a hidden
magnetic collar closure, our shirts are really the perfect button
down whether in the ring or every day life.”
An equestrian herself, Arianna creates products with the fit
and feel equestrians’ desire, without forfeiting style. “I think it’s
important to be a rider still on the circuit and tell people that I wear
my clothes and test all the products,” Arianna said. “I actively wear
my clothes all the time.”
In addition to being proud of Le Fash’s high quality products,
Arianna is also proud to say that all of her clothes are made in the
United States in the fashion district of New York City.
To celebrate their collection of show shirts and reward those
who wear them, this summer Le Fash launched their Wear It & Win
It Challenge for the 2013 summer circuit. The challenge offered
competitors at various shows throughout the season a chance to
win prizes including free Le Fash products, gift certificates and
cash to the winner of select hunter and jumper classes if they
were sporting a Le Fash show shirt.
The challenge was inspired by the thought that you’ll perform
as well as you look. “Ultimately when you feel like a million bucks,
you’re going to ride like a billion bucks,” Arianna said.
The challenge concludes with The Hampton Classic’s $25,000
Hampton Classic Jumper Derby, held just before the grand prix.
Le Fash is an official sponsor of this year’s Hampton Classic and
they will have a pop-up shop in the boutique garden the entire
While at the Hampton Classic, Le Fash will also be launching
a new line of breeches to add to their current collection of show
shirts. Arianna wasn’t able to release too many details, but did
say you can expect the same fashion forward look her show
shirts cater to. “Basically they’re in line with the shirts,” Arianna
said. “They will cross into everyday life that you can wear out with
friends with a cool heel and they will also be totally functioning
riding pants.”
The breech line will be available for pre-order during the
Hampton Classic – and will be on display for the very first time.
For more information about Le Fash, catch Arianna at The
Hampton Classic or visit her website at lefashny.com.
Arianna Vastino with her Dutch Warmblood, Zeus, who doubles
as her show horse and a model for Le Fash.
Photos by Dorian Wolf Photography
Le Fash, an official sponsor of the Hampton Classic, will hold
a Wear It & Win It Challenge at the show. Le Fash’s designs,
including their perfect button down, are made in the fashion
district of New York City.