Sidelines Magazine - May 2014 - page 85

What horseshave influenced your riding
I think everyonehas been influenced by the great horses
–Totilas, Vallegro, Parzival andDamonHill. They absolutely
raised the bar for the sport, engaged amillionmore fans, and
have left all of us able to really consider ourselves and think,
Why not
?Personally, every horse teaches you something. One
horse taught me how to really half-halt, one taught me how to
teach changes, one taught me how to ride pirouettes easier,
and it continues every day. Douwe showedme how ahorse’s
heart and passion canovercome all kinds of obstacles; Destiny
is teachingme how to raise a horse andhow the relationship
changes as you go.
What is themost exciting showor success to
date in your career?
I think that NorthAmericanYoungRider Championships
(NAYRC) was certainly amilestone in 2007. My horsegaveme
somuch that weekend. I will always remember that feelingand
will always be thankful for him.WithDestiny, I was on the first
Nation’sCupUSAA team inWellington. That was great fun. My
teammates, ChrisHickey, CarolineRoffmanandShelley Francis,
were so supportive and fun that it was really a great experience.
I’m looking forward tomore “most exciting” this year!
You are very active in theequestrian
community.What inspiredyou tobe involved?
I feel like I am very fortunate to have a supportive family and
a healthy life. I chose to be active only in things that I truly feel
strongly about. Vinceremos TherapeuticRidingCenter is such
a pureorganization. It is run sohonestly and to trulywitness
the impact it has on somany children and families is amazing.
I believe in that organization, and I am thankful formy healthy
son because any one of us could be oneof those parents, so I
alwaysmake time for Vinceremos. I involvemyself with the youth
festival and theRobert Dover Horsemastershipweek because I
believewe have a responsibility to the sport. I alsohave ridden
in theChallenge of theAmericas for three years and think it
is a great way to pay tribute to all thebravewomenwe know
personallywho havebattled breast cancer.
Your familyhasbeenextremely supportive
of your career. Howhas that affected your
professional dreams?
My family is amazing. Mymom is always bymy sideandmy
dad ismy biggest fan. I don’t think I could havebeen anywhere
or achieved anythingwithout them.
If youweren’t involvedwithhorses, what do
you thinkyouwoulddo?
I went to school formarketing, but who really knows. I love
media, and I’m agoodwriter so I couldbe a reporter, I think.
I think that now it wouldbe impossible forme tohave amore
“normal” type job, or be indoors for too long!
What do you like todo for fun?
I lovebeing outside. My family spends a lot of time at the
beach. But I also like traveling, or stayingpoolsidewith a good
bookwhen I needa fast getaway.
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