through the Equine Couture, Henri De Rivel and TuffRider
brands. What do you most enjoy about working within the
equestrian industry?
There is nothingbetter than tomakea living from your passion
Wealwayssaywehave thebest job in theworld. It isablessing to
make products that are used in something that you enjoy. Simply
stated – when you enjoy what you do, you naturally try to do the
Howdoesbeing a rider aid in your businessdecisions?
As a rider, identification of need and development of new
products is very important. I play polo andmy wife rides jumpers
sowe are both able to field test products before they are brought
to market. Also, being in horse shows and polo games, we are
always seeing the new trends and fashions. Living inWellington,
Florida, provides an opportunity of amazing possibilities to see
global market trends. We are also always in discussion and
investigatingwhat riders like and dislike in our products and how
we comparewith the competition.
Your business is now directly connected to the polo team
youareplaying for. Tellmea littlebit about that team.
Our team is called TuffRider for our apparel brand that has a
number of productsavailable for poloplayers.Weareplaying this
season in the 8-goal tournament at GrandChampions PoloClub
at Palm Beach Polo this season. Previously, we played the last
two seasons at PalmCityPolo inBocaRaton, Florida.
Continued onpage86
In 2000, Timmy Sharma played in his first polo tournament
in India. Now, 14 years later, Timmy is not only playing polo,
his passion for the sport has helped fuel his business, and his
business is fueling an incredible, positive change for children.
Together with his wife, Laurie, Timmy owns and operates
popular equestrian brands Equine Couture, Henri de Rivel and
TuffRider. The brands’ home base is in Timmy’s native country
of India, and it is there that Timmy and Laurie are running the
Salvation Tree School – a school that provides education for the
children of its employees, children that otherwise would have no
opportunity toget ahead.
Sidelines Magazine caught up with Timmy to learn about his
passion for polo, how it aidshiscompanyandhowhiscompany is
helping to shape the future in India.
Howdid youget startedplayingpolo?
I always loved horses as a child, and my brother and I rode
when we were young. There was a long gap period where I
stopped riding, but I rediscoveredmy love for horses and started
toplaya littlepoloat a timewhen Iwas living inBoston. I gradually
started to playmore often, as I was able to afford the sport after
movingback to India.My first competitivepolo tournament was in
India in 2000.
Inaddition toplayingpolo, youandyourwife, Laurie, have
turned your mutual passion for riding into your business
Passion IsMoreThanJust Polo
Timmy and LaurieSharma at their SalvationTreeSchool in India.
Photo courtesy of TimmySharma