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Ben in the lounge at JaneClark’sWellington, Florida, farm. Ben
has spent hiswinters inWellington sincebeginning to ride for
Jane in late 2013. 
Photo byBarbaraBower,
the start of the 2013 Winter
Equestrian Festival (WEF), at
which time he bounced back
and forth between Europe and
Jane’sWellington, Florida, farm
getting acclimated to the new
“I was flying backward and
forward every week to two
weeks. I did a huge amount of
air miles, and I really put in the
work,” Ben saidof his initial start
with Cella and Urico. “George
Morris was helping me a bit at
that time to really getmy feet on
the ground with the horses so
thatwedidn’t have theproblems
in the ring in front of everybody.
It went great from thebeginning.
Jane’s been fantastic with me;
it’s really sort of the perfect
scenario if you like.”
That “perfect scenario” has
resulted in numerous winning
scenarios, and it was on the
backs of Cella, Urico and Aristo
Z, alsoownedby Jane, that Ben
saw the winner’s circle during
the 2013 Global Champions Tour and countless times at this
year’s 2014WEF.
“I’ve been very luckymywhole career so far. I’ve always had a
number of horses to ride,” Ben said. “Up until 2012, I had some
great horses, but theyweren’t horses that perhaps I got togoand
choose and try. They were horses that were given tome to ride,
andwealways just tried tomake thebest ofwhatwehad.Any that
I had chosen were horses that were more of an investment and
bought to sell on. Theywere all for business.
“The difference now with Jane’s horses is the horses are
here for the sport,” Ben continued. “There are no wants here.
Everything that isneeded toget thebest result isgiven. The team
is unbelievable. The facilities are great. Even just coming down
to the small things like the show plan and doing exactly the best
plan for each horse. In the last year and a half, it’s been awhole
newworld forme. Janehasbeenanunbelievablesupporter of the
sport, and she still is. I wouldn’t be here now and enjoying all of
this success if it wasn’t for her.”
WhileBen credits the support from Jane for his recent success,
he’s also quick to appreciate the journey that got him to the point
he’s at today.
“I’ve had both scenarios,” Ben said. “It’s important that I went
through that stageof not havingsuchgreat horses. It reallymakes
me appreciate everything that I havenow.
“I think if you work hard enough, youmake your own luck,” he
added. “You make your own opportunities. I really believe that
everybody has a chance in life at whatever theywant to do. They
just have to keep working and sometimes opportunities come
around faster than others. I’ve been very lucky. I’ve had a lot of
people support me in the last 10 or 15 years.”
Despite just comingoff hiswinningseason,Ben isn’t taking time
to rest on his laurels. His sights are currently set on this year’s
LonginesGlobal ChampionsTour and the2014WorldEquestrian
Games, andhe’sapproaching themwith the sameworkethicand
drive that’s gottenhim towherehe is today and that hehopeswill
keephim at the top of the sport for years to come.
“Jane knows that I’m prepared towork all hours that I’m given,
and I’ll give 110 percent,” Ben said. “I certainly won’t ever go
home thinking that I could’ve put more hours in. I can always do
things better and learn frommymistakes, but it wouldn’t be from
not trying.
“I’m in a positionwhere I have great horses; I really appreciate
them, and I will work hard to do the best for them,” Ben added.
“Everymorningwhen I wakeup, I can’t wait toget downand ride.
I’mhoping that’s never going to end.”
JaneClarkwas presentedwith the 2014HarrisonCupPerpetual for the performance of her horses
Cella, Urico andAristoZat theWinter EquestrianFestival under the ride of BenMaher. Left to
right: Hunter Harrison, JaneClark andBenMaher.
Photo byKennethKraus.
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