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Mutt of theMonth
Hank and Dabry are German Short Hair Pointers and they
are a bonded pair. They are house trained and have lived the
home life in the past and all the spoils that includes! They have
lived with cats. Hank even knows to only get on the couch if
there is a sheet on it just for him. Theywould love a great yard
to run in, but truly only want to be with you and be adored.
They are not real hunters asDarby is afraid of a loud bang, but
both are loving and sweet and only hope for a loving home to
call their own. Truly the best pair ever! Hank and Darby are at
Big Dog Ranch Rescue inWellington, Florida. Call (561) 791-
6465or (561) 309-3311or email
. Visit their
website at
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