Horse Trailer Ride-Sharing: Is it Worth It?
by Armand Leone
Ride-sharing is a common scenario at many boarding barns. You and a friend are planning to attend the same horse show, but unfortunately her trailer is in the shop. She asks if you would consider letting her … [Read more]
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Top Riders Share Their Thoughts on Navigating Course
When I go into the show ring, my mind sometimes takes me on its own journey. I often find my thoughts going all over the place and struggle to get more focused on the task at hand. Does everyone have … [Read more]
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Where Has All the Suppleness Gone?
by George Williams
In my columns, I try to touch on all things dressage. As in every sport, there are many different aspects, several of which I’ve discussed in previous columns. Once in a while I feel compelled to speak … [Read more]
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Reflections on the 2020 Festival
By George Williams
In my column last month, I wrote about “the summer that never was.” Well, I stand corrected!
It turned out that for U.S. dressage, in the quaint little town of Wayne, Illinois, we had one glorious week … [Read more]
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The Impact of Parents’ Emotions on Kids
I had a really bad emotional experience when riding as a kid. My daughter has now expressed interest in horseback riding. I’m worried that she will have the same bad experience as I did, so I’m hesitant to let her … [Read more]
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Safely Hosting a Clinic
By Armand Leone and Jessica E. Choper
Hosting a clinic at your facility can be beneficial for a number of reasons. It can provide marketing opportunities for your farm, generate revenue and offer a fun learning experience for everyone involved. … [Read more]
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Eventing with Boyd Martin
What are your tips for a jog outfit?
The veterinary inspection at a three-day event is a little bit about presenting your horse to the ground jury to make sure it’s fit and sound for the competition, and a little … [Read more]
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The Summer That Never Was
By George Williams
The summer that never was: Yes, it sounds like the title of a book you might have read while at the beach during a normal summer. In many respects, as youth coach, this past summer basically feels … [Read more]
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Combating the COVID Challenge
By Margie Sugarman
I’m experiencing anxiety with going back to horse shows post-coronavirus. I find myself worried about catching the virus or spreading it to my family, even with all the precautions in place. How do I cope with the … [Read more]
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Protecting Your Horse Out on a Lease
By Armand Leone & Jessica Choper
Leasing out your horse can be a beneficial situation to both of you. Perhaps you’ve gotten busy with your career or your family and you don’t have much time to ride, but you don’t … [Read more]
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