Courtney Sloan: Developing Her Dream Horse
By Laura Scaletti
Portraits by Maddy Falkowitz
Walt Disney said, “Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.” A horse lover from her elementary school days, Courtney Sloan always dreamed of one day having a horse of her … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Brianne Link: Fashion Forward While Giving Back
By Britney Grover
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Brianne Link has always been ahead of her own age. By 10, she was applying to be a JustWorld International Ambassador, hoping to help children in need around the world. Now, three years … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Alyce Bittar & Bittar Stables: Continuing a Legacy of Horsemanship
By Britney Grover
It could be said that Alyce Bittar lives two lives: She splits her time between Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she is an engineer at Boston Dynamics, and Los Angeles, California, where she rides and competes as a co-founder … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Joshua Smithson: Painting Tradition Through Equine Art
By Shya Beth
Joshua Smithson’s painting style can be described as humanist realist tradition. Striving to paint in a direct, realistic way without focusing too much on tiny, unimportant details, Joshua’s goal with each painting is to capture the spirit … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Andras Szieberth: Making American Breeding Better With LotusTeam
Andras Szieberth has a heritage of classical horsemanship: He inherited the passion for horses from not one but both of his parents, who met on a college riding team in Hungary, where Andras was born and raised. When he moved … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Haylie Jayne Rolfe: Family Business, From Showing to Breeding
By Laura Scaletti
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
When asked, “Were you raised in a barn?” sixth generation horsewoman Haylie Jayne Rolfe proudly answers, “Yes.” Growing up in Elgin, Illinois, on the family’s Our Day Farm, Haylie and her siblings, Maggie … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Reliving the Pan American Games in Chile
By Liz Halliday
I recently had the honor of representing my country at the Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile, with Miks Master C. It has been a goal of mine for many, many years to be on a senior
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Looking Back and Thinking Forward
By George Williams
As the year comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the past 12 months yet all the while thinking about what the next year will bring. Looking back, 2023 could be referred to as the … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Unbridled With Jane Fennessy
By Britney Grover
Jane Fennessy grew up riding alongside her father and five siblings—despite her mother’s intense fear of horses—in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. “After a year of college, I came home and told my parents they were wasting their money, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
The Life Skills Learned Through Riding
By Margie Sugarman
Childhood is a critical period for developing essential life skills. One unconventional yet highly effective method of learning many of these skills is through a life around horses. Equine activities can be a powerful tool for both … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature