Evan and Ashley Donadt: Going Viral With Love and Laughter
By Tafra Donberger
Portraits by Jeni Jo Brunner
What happens when a horse-crazy equestrian girl meets a never-touched-a-horse-before guy? If you’re Ashley and Evan Donadt, it might just be the beginning of a happily-ever-after that includes a solid dressage … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Jan Lukens: Finding Joy in Fine Art
By Shya Beth
Jan Lukens has always felt blessed to be an artist, turning his observations into works of art, but it hasn’t always been easy. “My biggest challenge starting out was fitting in to the equestrian world as an … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Will Baker: Enjoying Horse Life Coast To Coast
By Laura Scaletti
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Will Baker has always lent a helping hand to other equestrians. Growing up, Will spent most of his weekends at the University of Richmond equestrian team’s barn where his father, Paul, was … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Luke Jensen: A True Horseman, From Pony Kid to Professional
By Kimberly Gatto
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
It has been said that a true horseman and his mount are joined not by tack, but by trust—and Luke Jensen has proven himself to be more than worthy of that adage. … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Kate Egan: Winning a Car, Mental Resilience and a Larger-Than-Life Equine
By Veronica Green-Gott
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Very few adults—let alone teenagers—get to win a brand new car. Kate Egan walked away from winning the 2023 WEC Premier Equitation Cup Championships with a brand new Ford Explorer XLT SUV, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Courtney Carson: Making Changes in the Lives of Groom
By Britney Grover
Portraits by Kirsten Hannah
Courtney Carson keeps choosing the equestrian world, though her path may look different than many passionate equestrians might expect. Yes, she chose to pursue eventing as a rider rather than attend veterinary … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Kayden Muller-Janssen: Equestrian Royalty to Disney Star
By Kimberly Gatto
For every little girl who dreams of becoming a Disney star, Kayden Muller-Janssen is proof that all things are possible. The multi-talented young actress has won countless fans through her role as the lovable Hartley on … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Kelly Prather: An Eventing Journey Around the World
By Tafra Donberger
Sisters are often at odds: hair, clothes, parents, possessions—sisters can find anything to quarrel over, or they can find something to bond over. Eventer Kelly Prather had the kind of sister who sparked an all-consuming love … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Lauren Pileggi Friga & Show The Bows: From Puppy Woes to Smiles and Bows
By Jan Westmark Bauer
Lauren Pileggi Friga has her mother to thank for falling in love with horses. Her mother, Stacy Pileggi, grew up with horses in her backyard, and both Stacy and Lauren’s father, John Pileggi Jr., have … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Kate at the In Gate: Busy With Photography, Riding and a New Direction
By Jan Westmark Bauer
Kate Kosnoff, better known as Kate at the In Gate to equestrians at horse shows, is a busy photographer and entrepreneur. Kate wears a lot of hats running two businesses—Kate at the In Gate and … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature, Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature