Continued on page50
When juggling school and riding at the highest level of the
sport, one gets used to being extremely busy. So when Saer
Coulter answered the phone for an interview for
the back of one of her topmounts, Carmena Z, it didn’t seem to
fazeher. As soonas she finishedher hack on the stallionandher
simultaneous interview, shewould be gearing up to take her new
mount, Mr. Whoopy, in the Grand Prix at the Winter Equestrian
Festival (WEF) later that night. Meanwhile, her sister Audreywas
fitting inaquick andwell-deserved trip to theDominicanRepublic
after having bested some of the top riders in theworld towin the
$280,000Adequan 4*GrandPrix.
Atages23and21, respectively,SaerandAudreyhavemanaged
to successfully and uniquely balance college, internships and
riding to become two of the nation’s leading young riders. They
are each taking their own distinct paths to the top of the show
jumpingworld, but they are both clearlywell on their way.
In 2013, Saer was named the recipient of the prestigious
MaxineBeardAward, given toayoung riderwho theUnitedStates
Equestrian Team Foundation recognizes as having the potential
to strongly represent the U.S. in international competition. Now
Saer, a recent Stanford University graduate with a degree in art
history, isqualifiedandgearingup tohead toLyon, France, for the
Simultaneously, Audrey is returning to her junior year at
Dartmouth College where she’s finishing a degree in economics
andaminor inchemistryafter takingaquarter off to further pursue
ridingandan internship–andwhataquarteroff itwas. In justa few
weeksofWEF, Audrey rackedupnumerous successes, including
thebiggest dayof her young career todate. DuringWEFWeek7,
Audrey not only bested thenumber one- and two-ranked riders in
theworld ina fast jump-off towin the$280,000Adequan4*Grand
Prix, she also turned around to come back and win the $84,000
Suncast 1.50mChampionship Jumper Classic immediately after.
“My best moment was definitely winning the 4* Grand Prix
duringWeek 7 ofWEF, andwinning the 1.50 later that daymade
it a day that I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to beat!” Audrey said.
“It’s been exciting to be able to go into the ring at this level and
Audrey competing in the 2010ASPCAMedal MaclayRegionals at
BlenheimEquisports, formerly calledOaks-Blenheim, or TheOaks.
Photo byCapturedMoment Photography
toBeating the
Inorder towin theAdequanGrandPrixCSI 4*, Audrey (pictured
center) had to jump off against the current number one and two
riders in theworld, BenMaher (pictured left and rankednumber
two) andScott Brash (pictured right and ranked number one).