Audrey andAcorte en route to the
biggest finish of the 21-year-old’s
career—winning the $280,000
AdequanGrandPrixCSI 4*.
As for Audrey, she will not
continue to competeheavilywhile in
school, but if her success duringher
quarter off is any indication of what
the futurewill hold, her riding career
looks extremely bright.
“I will finish up school in a year
and would like to take a few years
to fully commit myself to riding and
seewhere it takesme,”Audreysaid.
Andnomatterwhere theirseparate
pathsdo take themAudreyandSaer
both hope that those pathswill wind
up overlapping again. “We’re not
in the same place a lot, so being
able to see her every weekend this
winter has been amazing,” Audrey
said. “We’re each other’s biggest
cheerleaders and lovewatchingone
another’s success.”
“Ridingwas always aplacewhere
we really hung out with each other,
and it really brought us together,”
Saer concluded. “It’s wonderful
having her back this season. I’m
so incredibly proud of what she’s
accomplished this circuit, and I can’t
wait to keep riding together in the