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Three pounds of red potatoes, 2 tablespoons of
salt, 3 tablespoonsof butter, 3 clovesof garlic, crushed (optional),
1/2 cup of sour cream, 1/4 cup of milk, and salt and pepper to
If youdon’t like skins, peel your potatoes. Cut them into similar-
sized chunks. Place them in a large saucepan, cover with cool
water and add salt. Bring to a boil and cook until easily pierced
with a fork. Drain.
Place your butter andgarlic into thepot with thepotatoes, allow
the garlic to gently steam and the butter tomelt fully.
Add your sour cream and milk. Mash your potatoes with a
potatomasher. You canalsoput everything intoa standmixer or
whipbyhand. Just becareful tomixuntil your desiredconsistency
andno longer toavoidglueypotatoes. Addmoremilk for a thinner
mashed potato. Season with salt and pepper. Feel free to jazz it
upwith cheddar, chives andmore garlic!
Twopounds of groundbeef, 2 large carrots peeled,
1 small onion, 1/3 cup of fresh parsley, 1 cup of bread crumbs,
3/4 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon of salt,
1/2 teaspoon fresh groundblack pepper, 1/2 teaspoongarlic
powder and 2eggs.
For the sauce: One cup of ketchup, 2 tablespoons of balsamic
vinegar, 1/2 cup of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of dried
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place the ground beef intoa largebowl and allow to come to
room temperaturewhile you prep your ingredients.
Ina food processor, combine carrots, onion and parsley. Pulse
until finelyminced, but not pureed. In another large bowl, mix the
carrot mixturewith yourmilk and bread crumbs. Allow to sit for
Combine your ground beef, milkmixture and the rest of your
meatloaf ingredients. Form into a small loaf on a greased baking sheet, pack intoa loaf pan or dole out individually intomuffin tins.
Combine your sauce ingredients and pour on top. Bake for 1 hour (or 30minutes if baking individually).
Look around thehunter ring, or even thedressage ring. Do you
notice what riders are wearing? Have the styles changedmuch?
With the exception of adding color and bling, the styles haven’t
changed much at all. Yet, when you consider food choices for
you and your horse, the choices available in thismodern day are
As reportedby theFoodMarketing Institute in2012, onaverage
there were 42,686 products in the grocery store. And in terms of
your horse, weused to simply feedhaywithoats, cornandbarley
for extraenergy. Now, wehaveextruded, pelletizedand complete
feeds available in thousands of different formulas.Whoa!
Is simpler better, or do today’s technologies offer more
competitiveadvantages?Both sideswouldhavea validargument
and I’d be willing to bet we can learn something from both
viewpoints. Maybe in terms of your horse’s nutrition, you could
step away from “pre-packaged” and use whole food ingredients
like ricebranand coconutmeal. And for riders, perhaps you could
usemy recipe forTrustyMeatloaf orCreamyMashedPotatoes (or
great-grandma’s recipes) fora traditional takeondinner thisweek.
May I also suggest trying a little bit of both eras in “modernizing”
the traditional recipes of Trusty Meatloaf and Creamy Mashed
Potatoes as meatloaf cupcakes (search the What’s Happening
blogonwww.sidelinesnews.com for full details).
So what style will you embolden at your dinner table, and
perhaps with your horse’s nutrition: simple, modern, convenient
or traditional?
To full plates andeating your tarteout.
About the writer: Author Kat Nielsen is a horse enthusiast turned food blogger.
Shemaintains aday job in thehorseworld handlingmarketing andbrand support to
various companies while enjoying her evenings and weekends writing recipes and
blogging all about her culinary experiences. Visit her blog at EatYourTarteOut.com
or email her at
Individual TrustyMeatloaves get servedup tobreak the normal
Photos byKat Nielsen
Traditional andSimple – Is itBetter?
CreamyMashedPotatoes arepipedonto individual meatloaves
tomakemeat loaf cupcakes
Photos byKat Nielsen
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