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Original and PJ Pro have had the same qualities for the past 30
years and can be custom ordered.”
Pierre explained that his company name, reputation, service,
quality and his experience as a rider/trainer have allowed him to
create one of the best-fitting and most comfortable saddles for
both horse and rider.
AnFEI Course/JumpDesigner
These personal riding experiences are what led him to start
course designing. Pierre learned from his brother Robert, and
as an FEI designer he has created courses at Devon, WEF,
Harrisburg and the Toronto Olympic Qualifications. “It’s my way
of giving back. I’ve never done it as a sole profession, I do it for
the love of the sport,” he said.
While designing courses, Pierre turned his entrepreneur
abilities toward the jumps. “The older style jumps are extremely
heavy,” he said. “They warp and break down very rapidly. All
my life, I kept telling myself that I’d come up with a training set
of jumps for home schooling. They’d be light, safe, wind-proof,
durable and look really good. They’d be the kind of jumps that
horses and riders at any level could trainwith. They’d be easy to
ThePJOriginal Saddle
Photo courtesy of Pierre Jolicoeur
Pierrewithone of his custom-made jumps
Photos byChristina Jones, unless otherwisenoted
move and the equipment wouldn’t touch theground.”
This is how the P. Jolicoeur Jump Collection was born. Now,
Pierre and his team can’t make the jumps fast enough. He has
also expanded to include a line of show jumps that were included
this winter at NonaGarson andGeorge D’Ambrosio’s TheRidge
Farm Jumper andGrandPrixShows.
Pierre’s business ventures have taken off in whirlwinds of
activity, and don’t seem to be slowing down. This entrepreneur
began because he had a
passion and vision. That
passion grew into a successful
business and has allowed him
toexpand intoother areasof the
Advice toYounger
“For the younger generations
that want to be involved with
horses as a profession: The
first 10 years you learn. The
next 10 years you establish
yourself. Then, if you’re good
and work hard, the next 10 you
should be able to capitalize
on the business. All that time,
keepyourmindopen todevelop
somethingyou’d like todo in the
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