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ByDani Moritz
estlednearAthens, Greece, in the city of Rafina is a
walled paradise, which contains abeautiful garden,
playground, caféand children’s library. Theparadise is
suitably named theMagicGardenafter theminiature
horseMagic, who is aGentleCarousel MiniatureTherapyHorse
all theway from theUnitedStates. TheMagicGarden is a place
where people can interact withGentleCarousel’sminiature
horses and share in the hope these littlehorses inspire.
During theofficial park opening, former PrimeMinister of
GreeceKostasKaramanlis offered this dedication:
“Formany years in theUnitedStates, Magic the therapy
horsehas comforted the sick, theelderly and those facing
tremendous tragedy. Like theheroic horses of our history and
mythology, Magic has provenherself worthy of honor and
remembrance. It iswith her ownheroic accomplishments inmind
that we dedicate this special place for the childrenof Greece in
her name, tobe known from this time onas theMagicGarden.”
And this is just onepiece of themagic that Florida-based
therapeutic servicesGentleCarousel MiniatureTherapyHorses
have brought to theGreekCommunity.
ThePerfect Opportunity
BringingGentleCarousel— an all-volunteer, non-profit
organization— toGreecewould not have been possiblewithout
the immense support from theGreek community and the private
sector, whichhas sponsored the entire journey for Gentle
Carousel MiniatureTherapyHorses.
Combine that fundingwithGreece’s rich history in equine
culture andGentleCarousel’s desire towork in orphanages, and
it becomes clear why heading toGreecewas anoffer founders
Jorge andDebbieGarcia-Bengochea simply couldn’t refuse.
Theunexpected outcry of support from theGreek community
helped too. Debbie laughed as she recalled thewelcome the
horses received at theairport. “When they arrived at the airport,
therewas such a crowd that they had put up barricades. The
horses are such superstars inGreece andeveryone knows their
names. They’venowbeen on all of Greece’s national media.
“Thepeople of Greece feel it’s an honor that theU.S. sent
thesehorses to them toworkwith their children,” she added.
“The peoplehave been super grateful.”
Thewillingness of the volunteers and trainers at the facility
inGreecehavealsomade the transitiona smoothone –
ensuringeverything from their food to their trainingmeetsGentle
Carousel’s standards. Debbie says the staff is so dedicated that
thehead trainer actually left a show so he couldmeet the horses
upon their arrival inGreece.
HorsesHead to
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