Keep Your Calm Before a Show
Wednesday, May 07 2014
by Editor
Whenever you ride in a horse show, you’ve invested a significant amount of time, money, and emotional energy into preparing for the day. Those sacrifices that you’ve made can create an atmosphere where the pressure is high and your nerves are on edge
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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beyond the track, chasin', classic, education, february-2014, in the irons, notes from the field, show world, wordpress-org
The Newfoundland Pony
Monday, May 05 2014
by Editor
Originating from the island of Newfoundland in Canada, the Newfoundland Pony is a hardy, well-tempered, and willing pony.
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
The Jonathan Wentz Memorial Challenge for High Performance Para Dressage Established by Margaret H. Duprey and The Barnfield Foundation
Friday, May 02 2014
by Editor
Gladstone, NJ – April 16, 2014 - The United States Equestrian Team Foundation is pleased to announce an exciting new fundraising initiative, The Jonathan Wentz Memorial Challenge for High Performance Para Dressage , made possible through the generosity of Margaret H. Duprey and The Barnfield Foundation. The goal of the initiative is to raise $800,000 for High Performance Para Dressage.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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entries, equine, horse, sidelines-magazine, the-barn-book, the-horse, what's happenin', wordpress-org
Friday, May 02 2014
by Editor
Applications due Monday, May 5 April 15, 2014 — Lexington, KY — There is still time to submit proposals for USA Equestrian Trust’s 2014 grants program. IRS-registered equine non-profit organizations are invited to apply by filling out the online grant application at . The deadline is 11:59 p.m
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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entries, equine, horse, horses, hunter, jumpers, show jumping, sidelines-magazine, the-barn-book, the-horse, what's happenin'
Are You Prepared for Roadside Emergencies When Trailering?
Friday, May 02 2014
by Editor
When you trailer your horse to events like shows and clinics more frequently during the summer, your chance of running into a mechanical problem on the road increases. Before you leave the barn with your horse, take a moment to make sure that your truck and trailer are stocked with the equipment that you might need in the event of a breakdown. Tire Changing Equipment You don’t want a flat tire to sideline your trip.
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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Along for The Ride, architect, classic-equine, education, higher education, hopeful-amateur, laurengallops, september-2013, show world
Packing for Horse Shows
Thursday, May 01 2014
by Editor
Horse show season is here! Soon it will be time to load up the trailer and head out. But before you pull out of the driveway, you’ll want to make sure you haven’t left any important items back in the barn .
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
between the ears, child-sidelines, cool, february-2014, in the irons, november-2013, show world, the-barn-book, tucker the wunderkind