JEM links, Saratoga Special (available on-line), and a few thoughts about life in general…
Wednesday, September 03 2014
by Editor
Okay, we lost sleep, following the Jeux Equestres Mondiaux, the acronym WEG in English-speaking countries, but we’re going to be quirky (what else is new?) and refer to them as JEM – because the world championships are gems. In retrospect, now that the first week is complete and the US reining team earned all of the medals, one might question why our other teams didn’t do as well and medal somehow, some way, in eventing, dressage, paradressage and endurance… Well, listen up, because we’re only going to say this one time: to qualify and compete in the world championships is not easy – just getting there is a victory of sorts.
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Steps to Great Hooves
Wednesday, August 27 2014
by Editor
We’ve all heard the saying, “No hoof, no horse.” Your horse’s hooves are the literal foundation to his soundness and athletic capabilities, so it’s important to take care of them properly. Want to help keep your horse’s hooves in great shape? These important approaches will help
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
The Colorado Horse Park CCI ** / CCI*, Training and Novice 3-Day, National Horse Trials and Area IX Championships Come to a Close
Tuesday, August 26 2014
by Editor
Parker, Colo. – August 24, 2014 – The Colorado Horse Park CCI ** / CCI*, Training and Novice 3-Day, National Horse Trials and Area IX Championships came to a conclusion to day with show jumping in the derby field.
- Published in Show World, Z-Blogs
Missouri Fox Trotter
Monday, August 25 2014
by Editor
A truly American breed, the Missouri Fox Trotter originated from crossbreeding various popular breeds of horses .
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
Back to school!
Sunday, August 24 2014
by Editor
The 2014-2015 year has officially begun! The team is already busy! The day before classes we had an equestrian club get together. This was an informal meeting just to get to know each other. Most of the students who attended were eventers, a few interested in IHSA attended as well.
- Published in Pacer Pride, Z-Blogs
Sidelines Blog from WEG #1: Let the Games Begin!
Friday, August 22 2014
by Editor
Darlene Arrives at WEG! Photo by Diana De Rosa This is the first of Darlene Ricker’s exclusive blog posts for Sidelines from the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy. One of the few journalists to arrive in Caen several days before the Games open, her initial report gives our readers a unique insider’s preview of what’s in store. The tunnel from which the horses will enter the arena. By Darlene Ricker Photos by Darlene Ricker, unless noted otherwise Tomorrow the curtain goes up on the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy, in what is sure to be the most amazing Opening Ceremony in Games history
- Published in Show World, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
education, france, games, in the irons, normandy, notes from the field, november-2013, show-world, the hopeful amateur, tucker the wunderkind, wordpress-org
How to Deal with Tail Rubbing
Thursday, August 21 2014
by Editor
Have you ever walked into the barn only to discover that your horse was apparently rubbing his tail all night long?
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
For the Love of Horses
Thursday, August 21 2014
by Editor
Welcome to “For the Love of Horses” a blog from Keith Dane , vice president of equine protection at The Humane Society of the United States. Like you, we at The HSUS love horses—and we celebrate the special bond we all share with them. We’re dedicated to protecting equines from abuse, abandonment, slaughter and other forms of cruelty, and work to achieve this goal by guiding and transforming public policy, assisting law enforcement with rescues and investigations, and educating the horse-owning public about responsible care and stewardship.
- Published in Tails & Trails, Z-Blogs
Beach Riding: What You Need to Know
Wednesday, August 20 2014
by Editor
Galloping your horse along the surf, water splashing up around you as the sun sets – it’s on any rider’s bucket list. As summer draws to an end, some beaches will once again open up to horses
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
Tuesday, August 19 2014
by Editor
Yowza – lots going on, have been trying to find time for a new post, but weeks went by… at last, a quick one – literally at a gallop! On Saturday, August 23, Morningside Training Farm (The Plains, VA) will host a Young Rider Fundraiser & Special Event , featuring Bareback Puissance (High Jump) & Speed Classes (Jumpers). Start time is 4 pm
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs