Lexington, KY – June 12, 2014- The summer show season has begun and Castlewood Farm has hit the road running. Their first stop of the summer was the Country Heir I Hunter Jumper Show at the Kentucky Horse Park, where they are off to a fantastic start. Among the riders, Samantha Senft was second in the $10,000 Welcome Stake, Liza Finsness won dual Reserve Championship ribbons and Tanner Korotkin was third in the Low Child/Adult Classic.
Coming off of a successful winter season, Senft was not going to let her streak end on the road. With quick clean rounds, Early Morning and Senft won the second place ribbon in the $10,000 Welcome Stake out of 52.
“It went really well and she was unbelievable. One of the girls that used to ride Early won and she was uncontrollably fast, so Allen said to just focus on the Grand Prix in a few days and have fun. For us, going and having fun, was going fast and being second,” laughed Senft.

Samantha Senft and Early Morning sped to a second place ribbon in the $10,000 Welcome Stake. Photo by Anne Gittins Photography.
In addition to their second place win in the Welcome Stake, Senft and ‘Early’ took home the eighth place ribbon in the $50,000 Grand Prix. Out of 33 horses entered, only nine had clean rounds in the jump-off, proving the difficulty of the course.
“Everyone in the jump-off was overwhelmingly fast and I was the last one to go. Walking in, Allen said go for it and I’ve never been told that, so I did and Early was amazing. We were eighth and it was my first ribbon ever in a Prix so I was happy. It was a great experience to be in Kentucky, in the stadium under the lights and competing with the top people the country,”said Senft. “Early is my pride and joy I love her more than anything on the planet. This is a dream come true– I never thought in a million years I’d have a horse that I could walk in and do the Prix and travel all over the country showing in major classes. I’m so thankful I have a horse like her.”
Senft has been riding with Allan Korotkin and Castlewood Farm since she was four-years-old. Another rider who has been at Castlewood since her pony days, is Liza Finsness.
Just ending her freshman year at the University of Georgia, Finsness started the summer show season off with a bang. She claimed dual Reserve Championships on her mounts Shiver and Vera Z, in the High AO’s and Low AO’s, respectively.
“There were four classes in each division and we only did two for each, but the horses were absolutely perfect,” said Finsness. “We changed Shiver’s bit to a gag and he’s a completely different horse, jumping so much better and he was clear every round this week. With Vera, it is just getting her consistent and she only had one rail down. I was very happy with them.”
Throughout the week Castlewood riders continued to bring ribbons back to the barn. Tanner Korotkin and Rocketman were third out of 63 in the Low Child/Adult Classic; Madison Butehorn won the Children’s 15-17 Over Fences; Sophia Burvenich was third in the THIS medal; and Beth Craven was second in the Ariat.
Other Castlewood riders also claimed ribbons during the Country Heir show. Carson Cavalline, ribboned in her first big Equitation class back in the saddle after school; Kay Finsness ribboned in the Intermediate Adult; and Valeri Sheilds had ribbons in the Low Adult Jumpers.
Castlewood Farm hopes to continue their streak this week at Country Heir II. Next week, they travel to Atlanta, GA. for the second week of the Atlanta Classic. Then they go to Fox Lea in Venice, FL to finish up the summer.
About Castlewood Farm, Inc.
Castlewood Farm, Inc. is a full service riding, training and sales facility located on ten acres in the heart of Wellington, FL. Alan Korotkin and his team, including exceptional trainers Susan Tuccinardi, Samantha Senft and Katie Brown, cater to the serious equestrian, offering instruction for the beginner, the medal finals veteran, the grand prix specialist and everything in between.
Castlewood Farm, Inc. presents a vast selection of horses for sale or lease, suitable for all divisions and in every price range. The farm also offers leasing packages, including a WEF lease specifically catered to the winter circuit competitor.
For more information visit www.castlewoodfarmsales.com. Find Castlewood on Facebook here!