Sidelines Magazine - April 2014 - page 26

By Brianne Goutal
Mon Gamin translates from French as “my little man,” and that
is precisely what he is. Mon Gamin is my Dutch Warmblood pinto.
His barn name is Pinto, mostly because we could not come up
with anything better. However, it is accurate and seems to fit him.
I bought him as a six year-old stallion, acting against everyone’s
better judgment. I fell in love with him at first sight, so all warnings
were moot.
Many people recognize Mon Gamin because he is a Breyer
horse. I love knowing that there are models of him in homes all
across the nation and that he entertains children each day. Though
there is, of course, only one true Mon Gamin, he still manages to
bring joy to thousands, and I like that I can share him in this way.
He has a unique personality that almost makes it seem like he
knows that he’s famous. For example, when he sees a camera,
he automatically stops and poses. He is also a total ladies’ man
and loves to be loved. He has essentially been on vacation since
I have owned him because he seems to think he is too cute to
work too hard!
When I was a junior, we briefly entertained the idea of selling
him. Apparently Mon Gamin had other thoughts, though. Four
people tried riding him, and all four fell right off. Needless to say,
we heard his message loud and clear and did not sell him. He is
a one-rider kind of guy, and I am just happy that he chose me to
be that rider. After seeing firsthand how stubborn he can be, I am
honored to be chosen.
We have a strong connection, both in the ring and out. In all the
years I have competed with him, there have only been a handful
of times when he did not pay his own expenses. And when I was
injured, Mon Gamin was my rehab horse, helping me on the road
to recovery.
His favorite kind of class to compete in is any kind of exhibition
class. He loves match races, costume classes, battles of the
sexes, etc. Basically, he is a ten-trick pony!
Mon Gamin is a unique and special horse, and I am so thankful
to have him. We complement each other well. One of the best
decisions I ever made was to go against the naysayers and
purchase him. He has rewarded me for that decision every day
since and hopefully will for many more to come.
About the writer: Brianne Goutal is a 2012 graduate of Brown University and
professional show jumper. She made history by becoming the only person to win all
four junior equitation finals.
Mon Gamin as a Breyer horse.
Photo courtesy of Reeves International, Inc.
Brianne and Mon Gamin
Photo by Isabel J. Kurek Photography
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