54 Ingate (Full Article)
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18 Maria Sabers:
Aiming for the Top
26 Dressage & Beyond
with Charlotte Bredahl
30 Paige Johnson:
Their Voice Rescue
36 Pete D’Costa:
Enjoying an International
Polo Lifestyle
48 Lisa Curry Mair:
Life with Horses and Art
58 Marissa Degner:
One Good Round
64 Show Time:
Burlington Capital
International Omaha
66 Jeff Ramey and
Melanie Peterson-Ramey:
Living Life to the Fullest
88 Everything Eventing
with Boyd Martin
92 Sports Psychology:
Cliques Versus
True Friendship
96 Nicki Wilcox:
From Prairie Dogs
to Pony Tales
103 Horse Cents:
Selling Your Horse Farm
108 Cover Story:
Sam & Libby Edelman:
From Horseshoes
to Horses and Shoes
116 Kierstin Antoniadis:
A Life Revolving
Around Horses
144 Unbridled with Tom Wright
12 Letter From the Editor
14 Letters to the Editor
76 Ingate
137 Marketplace Ads
138 Barns, Farms, Trainers, Clubs
138 Tack and Feed Stores
138 Real Estate
139 Equestrian Services Directory
142 Classifieds