Devon Kane
Photo by Jack Mancini, ManciniPhotos.com
Devon Kane is a USDF gold medalist and Grand Prix trainer. After rising successfully through the ranks of Young Riders to international Grand Prix, Devon has become an in-demand clinician and trainer. She is the head trainer of Diamante Farms in Wellington, Florida. Devon has earned the title of 2014 U.S. Dressage Finals Grand Prix Champion, and spent this summer earning scores over 70 percent with her young horses at prestigious shows along the U.S. eastern coast.
Do you have a “lucky” item of clothing that you wear at horse shows?
I have several pairs of “lucky socks” that are all a little crazy and have been given to me by different friends and family. I always wear a stock tie pin that was given to me on my 16th birthday by my first FEI trainer, Michelle Gibson. I also wear a particular pair of pearl earrings that my Dad gave me many, many years ago.
What’s your favorite charity or non-profit organization?
Vinceremos Therapeutic Riding Center. I love the work the organization does to change peoples’ lives, and the charity is run by some of my favorite people who have only others’ best interest at heart.
What’s your favorite trait in a person?
Good humor and positivity
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be and why?
The barn is my happy place, especially early in the morning and late at night when there are no other humans around and it’s just me and the horses. Otherwise, I could be anywhere surrounded by family and/or good friends: home, beach, vacationing … It’s who I’m with, not where I am that makes me smile!
Besides horses, what are your hobbies?
Outdoor activities like kayaking, hiking, exploring new places, being at the beach, throwing a football around; sports — I love to watch basketball, football and the Olympics; reading for sure. I read everything from murder mysteries to literature to novels to history; traveling; shopping; and learning new things.
What’s your favorite movie?
“Gone With the Wind,” “Boondock Saints” and documentaries.
What’s your favorite saddle?
Custom Saddlery’s Everest
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl, but I can pull off a happy morning with coffee!
What’s one of the best parts of instructing a clinic?
Meeting new people and new horses and being able to make a difference in their training and partnerships. I like to think I can help riders a lot by working with their position and communication with the horse.
What’s your favorite country to visit?
I love Germany.
After horses, what’s your favorite animal?
Dogs for sure are my next favorite companions, but I’m fascinated with tigers.
Describe your horse training philosophy in three words.
Relationship, correct repetition, reward. One word could sum it up — basics.
What’s one talent that you wish you had?
I wish I could play tennis … It seems so fun and social, but I hit the ball like a baseball. Maybe I’ll take lessons in my spare time, when I find some!
Who’s your most significant role model?
Grace Kelly, Angela Merkel, Beyonce … More personally and professionally, Hubertus Schmidt, Dorothee Schneider, Mikala Munter Gundersen and Tuny Page. And always, my mother and great-grandmother.
What experience level(s) of horses and riders do you like working with in your clinics?
I like working with all levels. My favorite type of combination to work with is one that needs help working through a specific issue, or someone who’s ready to learn something new. It’s fulfilling to help any level rider overcome an obstacle or get to the next level.
What’s your favorite book?
Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby and To Kill a Mockingbird. I always choose books over movies.