Susie and New Addition in 1970 – her family bred him. Photo courtesy of Susie Schoellkopf
By Britney Anderson
From her early riding days competing in hunter shows to being inducted into the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame in 2014, Susie Schoellkopf has an equestrian career most riders only dream of. Located in Buffalo, New York, Susie is the owner of prestigious show stable SBS Farms, has trained five USEF National Champion horses and is a highly sought after USEF R-rated judge who has overseen top U.S. shows for 30 years. She’s the Executive Director for the Buffalo Equestrian Center, where she has hosted clinics with her friend George Morris for over 40 years, and the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center, where she enjoys watching children and youth with special needs find joy through horses.
If you had a week off, what would you do?
Go to Palm Springs, California
What was the funniest horse moment you’ve ever had?
Jennifer Alfano falling off in the victory gallop at Capital Challenge after she won the World Championship Hunter Rider award. I made Christmas cards out of the picture.
What’s your favorite movie?
“Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”

Danny and Susie competing in 1959 at The Saddle and Bridle Club — which is not The Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.
Who’s your hero?
Stephen Comunale
What’s your favorite “horse” brand – tack, apparel, etc.?
Any brand that they carry at The Hunting Horn in Penfield, New York
What’s your favorite book?
Anything by Nelson DeMille
What’s one “old fashioned” hunter trend you’d like to see return?
The return of the hunters at Madison Square Garden.
What’s your favorite tack store item to shop for?
Anything new
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
To rescue all the dogs, horses and cats that are in trouble or being abused.

The Robin and Susie at Madison Square Gardens in 1969.
What’s the best feeling you’ve ever had?
Watching my therapeutic riding kids make progress every week, and watching Jennifer win the USHJA International Hunter Derby on Jersey Boy and watching Kristy [Herrera] win it on Miss Lucy.
What’s your favorite article of clothing?
If you could tell every hunter rider in the country one thing, what would it be?
Have compassion for your horse.
If someone gave you the best gift in the world, what would it be?
To have all special-needs horses and riders have great homes
What career would you have chosen if horses weren’t an option?
Teaching, which is what I did before
If you could go back in time to talk to one person, who would it be?
My father
What horse, past or present, would you most like to ride just once?
Probably Miss Lucy
Who was your first horse?
A horse named Hungry Herman

Susie Schoellkopf at the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame Awards.
Photo by The Book LLC
What three food items can you not live without?
Sushi, steak and chocolate
What was your favorite childhood toy?
What animal best personifies you?
Where would you most like to be right now?
Right here at home