Conrad Schumacher will be in Massachusetts in the fall for Training Sessions at The Ashby Stock Farm. Nancy Later Lavoie and her husband Matthew Lavoie will be sponsoring the clinic October 4-7. The clinic will be open to all riders on Thursday and Friday and for Region 8 Jr/YR’s on Saturday and Sunday, with other demonstrations and lectures available on the weekend. Jr/YR’s of Region 8 enjoyed a clinic with Conrad (pictured) in his spring clinic at the Ashby Stock Farm. Photo by Matthew Lavoie
Not many dry eyes in the house when Olympian Steffen Peters took his final ride on Ravel at the 2012 Olympics. It was especially touching when Steffen leaned down and whispered in the great horse’s ear. Ravel, owned by Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang, retired following the London Games. Enjoy your retirement Ravel, you deserve it!
Your next great dressage partner could be an ex-racehorse. The Communication Alliance to Network Thoroughbred Ex-Racehorses (CANTER) is now offering its nationally recognized service to the horsemen in Colorado. Watch for volunteers as they begin visiting Arapahoe Park immediately to offer free sales listings, including photography, to trainers and owners looking to move their ex-racehorses onto second careers. Horses listed for sale will be available to the general public on www.canterusa.org/colorado. Trainers or owners who would like to list a horse for sale should contact Jamie Girouard at colorado@canterusa.org.
On the move, Curlie V (Comeback II /Lobster) and Sam’t Und Seide, (who had been in training with Olympian Steffen Peters for the last year) left Carol and Rebecca Cohen’s Two Swans Farm in Wellington, Florida to join Rebecca’s horse, Downtown, at Hope Greenfield’s 16-Hands Farm in New Jersey where they will train with Lauren Sammis.
Double the blessings! Dressage trainer, Tara Stegen became the proud mother of twin sons on August 17th, James Rowland and Jacob Charles. We assume that Tara and Jeff will be in the market for a pair of fancy ponies soon!
Also in the baby parade is insurance rock star Sara Cunningham’s new baby, an adorable baby boy – Anthony Joseph Carlone, barn name TJ.
Coloradois in the news again! Congratulations to German rider Nicole Glusenkamp, who qualified for her Gold medal at Dressage in the Rockies in Parker, Colorado, in August. Nicole rode the spectacular Friesian stallion, Ealtsje F, who is owned by Winning Edge Friesians in Texas. Nicole is a trainer at Iron Horse Farm, in Elizabeth, Colorado.
Ann Jamieson’s eagerly awaited fourth volume of For the Love of the Horse will be released shortly! The book includes stories about Ice Road Trucker Lisa Kelly, Boyd Martin and Neville Bardos, Tina Konyot and Calecto V and Paralympian Donna Ponessa who competed inLondon. Ann’s previous books have attained all 5* ratings on Amazon.com. The new volume will be available soon on Amazon, or on www.loveofthehorsebook.com.
Another amazing Coloradoevent, the Chariots Aspire Clinic, will take place October 13 and invites six disabled persons to participate in combined driving for the disabled. Chariots Aspires was started by Leslie Terry, mother of event trainer Laura Backus. Leslie was an eventer before a car accident left her a quadriplegic in 1993. The 501(c)3 organization is looking for participants but also for donors at the $25, $50 or $100 level for support. Checks may be sent to Chariots Aspire, 6510 Lorraine Road, Larkspur, CO, 80118-5404. Observers are welcome to attend the event.
Best Wishes to Jules Nyssen on a speedy recovery from serious injuries sustained while he was riding his Prix St. George horse Eclipse who had a heart attack. Our sympathy goes out to Jules on the loss of one of his favorite dressage horses.
Does your barn or organization have news, tidbits or announcements you would like to share in the Off Centerline column, dedicated to dressage, eventing and foxhunting news. It can be something as fun as a wedding announcement, new horse purchased, upcoming clinics or exciting wins. The deadline for the next issue is September 15th and all Off Centerline news should be sent to editor@sidelinesnews.com.
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