CEqE Help: “Who, Me?”
Friday, August 05 2011
by Website Editor
Continuing Equestrian Education (CEqE) – chapter 5: When it’s time to CEqE help: Let’s face it, we’re DIY about lots of stuff related to writing and riding, but when we need help, sooner or later we ask for it. One of those moments took place his morning when Landgate Lord Peter, aka “you little s**t!” decided that it was all well and good to walk onto the two-horse ramp-load trailer, but when Bryan McDonald at The Fine Equine Stables (where our pony lives and where we spend a fair portion of our days, having changed from night person to morning person to accommodate said purebred Connemara to beat the heat and deerflies that prevail by 8 a.m…) decided to switch our trailer practice to the big (as in huge) trailer with the step-up, Mr. Minimal spoke up loud & clear: nuh uh, no way – fuhgeddit! There was hay on the floor, so never mind the treats (hay-extender pellets) in our pocket, and the little bucket of Connemara Crunch – a great low-sugar horse feed for easy keepers, whatever the breed, which he loves. We make the approach and jump up, but our darling pony stops, looks at us, looks at the hay on the floor in front of his nose and says essentially, in that word-less but eloquent non-verbal way in which animals, especially smart equine, communicate: who? me? nuh uh, no way – fuhgeddit! Just one of the many eloquent expressions by which Landgate Lord Peter communicates non-verbally.
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs