Southern 8ths Hosts First Recognized Beginner Novice and Novice Three-Day
Wednesday, February 29 2012 by Editor
On February 1, 2012, the US Eventing Association approved a policy change to permit Beginner Novice and Novice riders to compete in fully recognized Long Format 3-Day Events. This historic ruling now allows those riders that represent the majority of the sport’s participants to earn USEA National Year-end Points and Eventing Championship Qualifications when they compete in the traditional version of the sport. Southern 8ths Farm in Chesterfield, SC has worked closely with the USEA to develop the guidelines for the new policy and is proud to be the first organizer to offer both of the newly recognized levels at its So8ths/Nikon Three-Day Event this May 3 rd through 6 th , 2012, which will include Beginner Novice, Novice and Training level
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Literary Horses Loose in Houston Public Library through March 30, 2012
Monday, February 27 2012 by Editor
Riders read and Pin Oak Charity Horse Show encourages reading in the greater Houston Community through The Literary Horse: When Legends Come to Life Exhibit by Vanessa Wright, a pairing of photographs of today’s horses and riders with quotations from the world’s greatest book. (Houston, TX) – Does Black Beauty live at the end of your street? Does Pegasus take wing from the pasture around the corner? Explore The Literary Horse: When Legends Come to Life equine photography exhibit to find out! From Achilles receiving his immortal chargers to Don Quixote’s farewell to Rocinante, literature is full of unforgettable stories and poetry about heroic horses and horse-people.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
2012 Marks 100 Years of Equestrians in the Olympics
Friday, February 24 2012 by Editor
FEI President looks forward to another 100 years of equestrian sport in Olympic Movement. The London 2012 Olympic Games marks 100 years of equestrian sport in the Olympic movement, and FEI President HRH Princess Haya is looking forward to celebrating the centenary at Greenwich Park this summer. “We are really proud to be celebrating 100 years of Olympic equestrian sport at the London 2012 Games and it’s wonderful that we will be doing that at an iconic venue like Greenwich Park right in the heart of the Games,” FEI President HRH Princess Haya said today. “Greenwich Park is the second largest venue in London 2012 and tickets for the Cross Country were one of the fastest to sell out. Demand has been so high for our sport that tickets for all the equestrian disciplines were sold out in a matter of weeks, establishing us as one of the most popular sports in the Games. “This is a real milestone for our sport and is worthy of celebration as it confirms that we are really competing with the other top sports on the number of spectators we can pull in. We’re aspiring to provide one of the top quality products of the Games and we can really say to the big international federations, watch out, we’re here now! “We have worked tirelessly over the past number of years to ensure that horse sport falls in line with all the IOC requirements, that it is clean, transparent, cost effective and safe
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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