Wellington, FL (May 23, 2013) – Adult Amateur dressage rider Priscilla Baldwin was the proud recipient of the Interagro Lusitano Achievement Award during the Gold Coast Dressage Association (GCDA) Finale I & II for her rides on the stunning Lusitano stallion, Brioso Interagro. Interagro Lusitanos, the world’s largest breeder and exporter of Lusitano horses, was proud to present this award to Baldwin in recognition of the amazing and successful relationship she has developed with this young horse. The GCDA Finale I & II was the duo’s second time showing after only riding together for a little over 8 months. “This has been the most special experience because I am an older adult amateur rider who in the past has been riding a very large warmblood mare,” Baldwin explained. “I didn’t know what to expect with a young stallion, but it’s like riding a Mercedes! I’m in love, and it has been so special. He is so kind. He has all the power in the world, but he will do anything for you. He is always focused on his job,” she continued describing Brioso. “It is fun to have a horse who’s extremely serious about what he’s doing, but at the same time, he just loves it. And there is none of that ‘warmblood spook’ that goes with it,” she added with a smile.
Baldwin rode in the USEF First Level, Test Three, and she explained that she is currently going for her USEF Bronze Medal, but has her goals set much higher than that. She’s hoping that Brioso is the horse to help her achieve them. “He’s got such a great presence and great front end,” she described, “and Lusitanos ride like really big horses. He’s got about 8 different gaits,” she laughed. “For example, he’s got a regular trot, then he’s got this unbelievable passage trot! So, I know he could take me right through to the Grand Prix within the next three years if I have the opportunity to get there.”

: Brioso Interagro and Priscilla Baldwin were presented with the Interagro Lustiano Acheivement Award during the Gold Coast Dressage Association Finale I & II.
Brioso Interagro is a gorgeous grey 8-year-old stallion by Qúinio Interagro and out of Mariquita Interagro. He was brought over from Brazil as a 3 year old and bought by USEF medalist, rider and trainer, Heather Bender during the 2010 Lusitano Collection International Horse Auction as a horse for her husband to ride. Bender and Baldwin have been riding and training together for years, so she was excited at the chance to have her experienced friend show this amazing horse. Brioso is a wonderful example of the natural ability of the Lusitano horse in the dressage show ring, which is what the Interagro Lusitano Achievement Award strives to promote.
The Interagro horse is a modern Lusitano, a horse that excels in the traditional equestrian disciplines, from dressage and driving to jumping and working equitation. Interagro horses can be seen driving, working, and training on the farm in Brazil every day. Interagro is committed to preserving the pure bloodlines of the Lusitano breed, and Interagro bloodlines include some of the most respected bloodlines in the breed such as Farao (JHC), Nirvana Interagro, Ofensor (MV), Xique-Xique (CI) and Yacht (SA).
Interagro also offers guests and clients a unique way to truly immerse themselves in the Luistano breed and the equestrian culture of Interagro through Destination Lusitano. From riding an Interagro stallion across the rolling Brazilian countryside to enjoying Portuguese cuisine, Destination Lusitano caters to each guests needs and can be tailored to their interests. In addition, the 600 Lusitanos that call Interagro home make Destination Lusitano the ultimate equestrian getaway.
For more information on Destination Lusitano or to learn more about Interagro Lusitanos, visit their website at www.lusitano-interagro.com.
About Interagro Lusitanos
Founded in 1975 by Dr. Paulo Gavião Gonzaga to preserve the Lusitano breed, Interagro Lusitanos is now recognized as the world’s largest breeder and exporter of Lusitano horses. Dr. Gonzaga started with a small band of four mares and one stallion imported to Brazil from the breed’s native Portugal; to date over 600 horses populate the 1200-acre ranch outside São Paulo. Today, Cecilia Gonzaga manages the farm and operations. Interagro Lusitanos are handled, prepared, and evaluated from birth, with a handful of the best stock presented at auction each year.