Dear Friends: Please enjoy the first edition of the True North Fine Images monthly newsletter. This letter is to keep you informed of new image releases, photographic exhibits, and news from the world of wild horses. I am pleased to announce that my adopted Alberta Mustang colt “Flyer” made the March cover of Gaitpost Magazine! To see the complete article on our Quiet Time Equine Retreat click on the cover photo above! Please read on to hear about my latest Sable Island image releases and related contest…
15 new Sable Island Wild Horse images will be released this year! Three of them are already out and available for viewing at the Blue Rock Coffee Company 94 Elizabeth Street, Okotoks.

“The Salt Lick”
“The Salt Lick” (above) depicts my favorite band of bachelor stallions enjoying one of Sable Island’s natural mineral licks. These ‘licks’ are actually clumps of rhizomes which break off of the dunes and are washed out to sea. After rolling around in the ocean they get tossed back onto the beach and become a salty delicacy for the horses. This image is now released in an edition of 20.
Sable Island Wild Horse News
Last year Sable Island became a National Park. Parks Canada will take over management from the Department of Oceans & Fisheries, and the Canadian Coast Guard. New guidelines are being developed on visitor management.