Mavis Spencer: From Hollywood to the Grand Prix Ring: The US Equestrian Ambassador Shares About Her Life Long Love for Horses and Her Belief that Hard Work and Dedication Are the Keys to Success
By Lauren R. Giannini
Portraits by Isabel J. Kurek
Mavis Spencer grew up horse-crazy near Los Angeles, and her story’s almost straight out of a Hollywood movie, recently trading rub-rags for tri-color ribbons. Mavis grew up surrounded by Tinseltown’s … [Read more]
- Published in General, Sidelines Feature
Murray Kessler – A New Face for a New Era of US Equestrian: The Fortune 500 CEO Asks Questions, Makes Changes, Challenges Cheaters and Introduces the Joy of Horse Sports
By Lauren R. Giannini
Murray Kessler brings a lifelong passion for horse sports into his role as new president of the national governing federation, US Equestrian. He’s also an astute business leader who spent his professional career honing his talents … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Swept Off Their Feet: Ali Sirota & Jeremy Kelman
By Britney Grover
Ali Sirota is no stranger to the equestrian community, but the horse world was completely new to Jeremy Kelman when he met her. Though her parents had owned a house in Wellington when she was a baby, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Riding & Romance: Alexandra Duval & Andrew Welles
By Britney Grover
To the Winter Equestrian Festival community, the names of Alexandra Duval and Andrew Welles are familiar. Andrew competes in grand prix; Alexandra, coached by Andrew, rides as an amateur. Just turned 25, Alexandra grew up in New … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Chincoteague – Sun, Surf and Ponies
By Lauren R. Giannini
Chincoteague Island off the coast of Virginia is a wish-list destination for many, especially those who loved reading “Misty of Chincoteague,” a fictionalized tale published in 1947 about three real ponies: Misty, Phantom and Stormy. The … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
A Magical Safari: Kenya’s Elephant Quest – Sidelines’ Writer Heads To Africa To Ride, Visit Orphan Elephants and Photograph Wildlife
By Lauren R. Giannini
When I visited Kenya for the third time, accompanied by several friends who were first-timers to Africa, I knew they were in for the trip of a lifetime. Our safari, Elephant Quest, surpassed all of our … [Read more]
- Published in General, Sidelines Feature
“Ridiculous Ranches” – Finding Posh Pastures for People & Horses
By Marina Samad
It only takes one trip to beautiful Wellington, Florida, to realize that elite stabling can be nicer than the average home. However, there’s a whole world of glorious housing for horses geared towards the Western community … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Robert Dover: The Leading Man of U.S. Dressage
By Britney Grover
Portraits by Isabel J. Kurek
What does Robert Dover remember about his first horse? “Every single thing,” he responded with a laugh. “You know, it’s interesting because life goes by so fast, but things like the milestone … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Lindsay Maxwell – Growing With Grace & Charity
By Lauren R. Giannini
When equestrians on the circuit do well consistently, campaigning brilliant horses that inspire dreams in riders of all ages and levels, they often acquire a following. One good example is amateur owner hunter rider Lindsay Maxwell, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Chasing Dreams, Sportsmanship and Team Spirit: Ralph Caristo’s Influence on Generations of Riders
By Lauren R. Giannini
Ralph Caristo is the real deal: one of the nicest people on the planet and in the horse world. As a horseman, trainer and “R” judge, he’s earned a first-class reputation. He’s the longtime Chef … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature