By Lisa Engel

Liza Towell Boyd, with Bill Moroney, receiving the Emerson Burr Trophy at the Pegasus Awards
Liza Towell Boyd is one of the country’s top hunter riders and trainers. As a junior, Liza was named Overall World Champion Hunter Rider three times, was second in the Washington International Equitation Finals and won the Best Child Rider Award at the Washington International Horse Show four times, setting a record that remains untouched. After completing her junior career, Liza graduated from the College of Charleston (South Carolina) before returning to the family business. Since then, Liza has had an extremely successful career as both a trainer and rider. To date, she’s won more than 25 USHJA International and National Hunter titles.
Where do you live?
Camden, South Carolina
In a house, farm, ranch, condo, apartment?
What’s your favorite vacation getaway spot?
My favorite place to go is my husband’s hunting property that he calls the “Farmhouse” in South Carolina. He goes deer hunting there.
When was your last vacation?
I don’t know … I can’t even remember! It’s definitely been a while. Quite honestly, a vacation for me is to be home at my house in Camden.
What’s your favorite saddle?
Who makes your favorite riding coat?
My favorite riding coat is Ariat and my favorite shadbelly is RJ Classics.
What are your favorite breeches?
My favorite breeches are Ariat’s Olympia. Most people prefer the midrise, but I prefer the higher rise.
What kind of riding helmet do you wear?
I wear IRH [International Riding Helmets].
What one item in your wardrobe best personifies you?
Probably one of the EIS sun shirts. They’re stylish, functional and comfortable.
What piece of jewelry best personifies you?
It’d have to be a gold necklace my dad had made for me. It has a pendant that says, “Make the shot when it counts,” which is a quote from Robin Hood. It’s my lucky charm and it works! I wore it the last three Derby Finals!
What was the last movie you saw?
Disney’s Tangled, the Rapunzel movie.
What was the last book you read?
Well, the last one I read was Charlotte’s Web with my daughter El. But for myself, I like to read “Mindgym.” My brother told me about it. It’s a sports psychology book.
What’s your favorite charity or nonprofit organization? I think therapeutic riding charities are great. I think they’re great for the kids and great resources for the horses that are retired, and so they can go on and help children.
What’s your drink of choice?
Well… I like my mommy juice at night — a little red wine. But during the day, I drink those crazy green healthy drinks. I do a lot of juicing with kale, beets, spinach. I try to drink a lot of stuff like that.
What’s your favorite timepiece?
I love my Cartier but I wear my Rolex all the time because it’s so durable.
What type of car do you drive?
A Volvo wagon and I love it! And I won’t get a new one because it’s paid for and I’m not going to get french fries and milkshakes all over a new one.
What’s your favorite airline to fly?
I’m not picky — I fly whatever is cheap.
What was the name and breed or your first horse?
A Welsh pony named Cash And Carry.
What’s your favorite trait in a person?
Describe yourself in three words.
Fair, good-hearted and patient.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be and why? Right where I am, sitting on the side of a fence in Wellington. I’m happy with what I do. I love my job.
What’s the most frequent charge on your credit card?
Right now it’s been Skiffingtons.
What’s your favorite credit card?
Name three things that are most likely to be in your refrigerator at all times.
Ice cream in the freezer, kale or spinach, and hummus.
What’s the best feeling in the world?
When you feel like you have a brilliant round on a horse and also seeing your family happy.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
I hope to be doing what I’m doing along with my daughters.
Besides horses, what are your hobbies?
Not so many! It’s hard to have a career, girls and hobbies. When I have time off, I spend it with my family. But I do need a hobby; I just haven’t found one yet.
What’s your favorite color?
What TV sitcom is your favorite?
I don’t watch a ton of TV, so that’s hard to say.