Junior Riders Rock the Results!
Junior riders are rocking the results at shows everywhere – and Sidelines wants to share your good news in our latest column, Junior Blues. If you have found success at a show, send us an action-packed paragraph with all the details: your name, the horse you were riding, what show you competed in, how did you do in the class (you won a blue ribbon, you made it through your cross-country course in one piece and with no time faults, you rocked your dressage test, you won a grand prix, you earned a title like Best Child Rider, Short Stirrup Champion, Big Equitation champion). Tell us what state you live in, what barn you ride at and your trainer’s name too. Send a photo if you have one – Sidelines wants to congratulate ALL junior riders on their success – You all Rock!
Send to jan@sidelinesnews.com and appear in the next issue of Sidelines!