Dr. Cesar Parra struck gold in Colombia during a very exciting and successful trip in which he coached the dressage team from Liga de Bogota (the Bogota Region) to win the team gold in the Colombian National Games at Country Club Guaymaral in Bogota. Cesar, who is based in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey and Jupiter, Florida, was one of Colombia’s top international riders before becoming a US citizen in 2008. Left to right: Mariana England, Dr. Cesar Parra, Carolina Barraquer, Diana Rey and Mauricio Sanchez.
Congratulations to Olympic rider Adrienne Lyle and her star mount Wizard. Adrienne was the only American rider ranked in the Dressage FEI World Individual Dressage Rankings released at the end of October. Adelinde Cornelissen, of The Netherlands, topped the list followed by British rider Charlotte Dujardin. Adrienne cracked the top 50 with a ranking of #43 – go Adrienne and Wizard. Go USA!
Catherine Chamberlain, 17, of Chandler, Arizona, is one busy teenager! The United States Dressage Federation named her the 2012 USDF Youth Volunteer of the Year. The prestigious award honors one outstanding youth volunteer who has contributed on a national and local basis to USDF and dressage. Catherine serves as the Chair of the Arizona Dressage Association’s (ADA) Junior/Young Rider Committee and as a Director of their Board. Keep up the good work Catherine, the future of dressage is brighter because of volunteers like you.
The dates for the fourth annual 2012-2013 Ocala Horse Properties International Events at theFloridaHorsePark are January 5-6, February 8-10, and April 11-14, 2013.
Here comes the Pres…George Williams wowed the crowd at ShopTalk at ShowChic in Wellington, Florida. Sort of a sneak preview before the USDF Convention! The evening’s hottest topic: the inaugural US Dressage Finals (yes they are finally going to have a nationwide dressage championship). It won’t conflict with the USET National Championships for high performance either, hence the name Dressage Finals! So plan ahead DQ’s for Nov 7-10th 2013 at the Kentucky Horse Park!
She’s Just a Materiale Girl…dressage trainer Heidi Degele of Loxahatchee, Florida, said she had high hopes for Jessica Beier’s Don Fredo in their first show at the Gold Coast Dressage Association Fall Fling. And Heidi delivered — winning the Materiale class on Don Fredo with a whopping score of 78.5%.
Congratulations to Caroline Roffman who piaffed to a great start at the Fall Fling with Al Guden’s Sagacious. The pair won their first grand prix test with a 72.444% and lots of 8’s on their piaffes! It seems that life in Florida is agreeing with Sagacious and we expect to see more of him in the future. Owner Al Guden is engaged to Caroline’s mother Andrea Nason — so good matches seem to abound for this gang!
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