Jean Nathe Sunrise Rotarian and owner of Trade Mark sales, Inc. showing the New Pink Ribbon Tees available
Paws in the Park was held Saturday September 29th, 2012 in the San Antonio City Park from 9-1. Many activities went on including “Blessing of the Pets” by St. Anthony’s Parish Deacon Mike Arno, Agility Demonstrations, Adoptable Pet Parade and a Frisbee Dog Demo. The popular contests “Most Fashionable Pet, Owner look-a-like and “Best Trick” were scheduled through the day as well.
Diane Cunningham drives in every year to set up the Face Painting booth to raise donations for Spay Pasco, Inc. a program designed to assist dog and cat owners with spaying/neutering pets in Pasco County. Many volunteers were on hand to assist the organizers including Emily Nathe a Junior at Pasco High School along with Amanda Levitt, Senior at Pasco High and Keythellyn Alves an Exchange Student from Parta Segura, Brazil hosted by Sunrise Rotary Club of Dade City. Local business owner Jean Nathe of Trade Mark Sales, Inc.; set up a display with Paws in the Park logoed visors and new this year “Tie-Dyed Pink Ribbon Awareness T-Shirts”. These are in stock and ready to purchase for your October events. Trade Mark Sales, Inc. is located at 12150 Curley Street, San Antonio, FL.