Left to right – Shane Rice, Tommy Biddle Jr. and Steve Krueger Team
Photo by Elizabeth Hedley
The John R. Townsend International Challenge Cup is a 20-goal arena match played between the United States and the United Kingdom every other year. Recently, the USA captured the Townsend Cup title with the final score of 18-16. The Most Valuable Player of the game was awarded to Team USPA member Steve Krueger. Best Playing Pony was presented to Woody, owned by George Dill. This year the USA team was represented by arena 10-goaler Tommy Biddle Jr., Shane Rice (7-goals) and Steve Krueger (4-goals). Attendees of the Barrett-Jackson Car Auction at the WestWorld Equidome in Scottsdale, Arizona, witnessed a hyper-competitive game of high-goal arena polo that was a battle until the very end. Congratulations Team USA!