Canadian Olympian David Marcus is back in Wellington for the winter season. Having dominated CDI-W Dressage at Devon in September by winning three grand prix classes, Marcus sat atop the North American World Cup League standings as the new year opened with Chrevi’s Capital (pictured), a 12-year-old Danish Warmblood gelding. In addition to their full show schedule, the pair was invited to represent Canada at the prestigious World Dressage Masters held at the Jim Brandon Center in January. Based at Tuny Page’s Stillpoint Farm for the season, the 32-year-old coach and trainer will campaign both Chrevi’s Capital and Don Kontes at the grand prix level while continuing the development of the exciting seven-year-old mare, Betrina, all owned by Deborah Miculinic. David also has a select few sales horses that have accompanied him to Wellington, Florida. Photo by Cealy Tetley, www.tetleyphoto.com
Has Premier Equestrian gone to the dogs? Kind of! Their new Premier Canine launched by providing “mini dressage rings” for the Ukanuba National Dog Show in Orlando. The rings looked very elegant; but it seems it was the French “Bull Dog” kissing station that had Heidi and Shirley Zorn puckering up at the show!
Draper Therapies, makers of all those cozy horse, dog and people therapy blankets, has a new face at the marketing helm. Welcome aboard, Becky Shipps!
American dressage sponsor Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer has acquired Anabel Balkenhol’s 13-year old Westfalian mare Winci as new Grand Prix horse for Guenter Seidel to ride. Gwendolyn owns Coral Reef Ranch in Rancho Santa Fe, California, where the 52-year old Guenter has based his horses for many years. Coral Reef also owns Beezie Madden’s U.S. Olympic show jumper Via Volo. Winci is a chestnut mare by Weinberg x Saluut which was owned by Klaus Balkenhol. The Grand Prix mare was briefly trained by Hubertus Schmidt in 2010, but Anabel Balkenhol started competing her at Grand Prix level in 2012. Winci has been renamed Coral Reef Wylea.
Congratulations to the blond duo of Amy Swerdlin and Dr. Kristy Truebenbach Lund. TheWellington pair returned from the USDF Region Three Championships held in October in Georgia with five Championships. They swept the first, second, third, Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyle divisions. Although they credit their great horses, training and hours of practice for all their success, is it a coincidence they both are married to someone named Scott and both married a veterinarian?
Congratulations to the new USDF Certified Instructors. The exam was held in November at Southerly Winds Farm, in Harrah, Oklahoma. The exam was the inaugural exam for the new Training-First Level Certification. New USDF Certified Instructor/Trainers at Training through First Level include: Ashley Hammill of San Antonio, Texas; Heather McCullough of Davidson, North Carolina; Eileen Ostlund of Boone, Iowa; Sherry Guess of Porter, Oklahoma; Erin Jackson of Vallejo, California; Becky Brown of Dallas, Texas and Deanna Myers of Ormond Beach, Florida. New USDF Certified Instructors/Trainers at Second Level include: Jennifer Hogan of Chapel Hill, Tennessee and Ashley Hammill.
Charles de Kunffy has joined the Dressage Summit superstar lineup, which also includes Christoph Hess, Walter Zettl and Pat and Linda Parelli. Charles has written six books on the classical dressage tradition and his experience as a dressage judge, trainer and author make him one of the most sought after dressage masters and clinicians today. Tickets for the Dressage Summit, February 9-11, inWellington, are: $195 for a 3-day pass; $395 for a VIP ticket and $95 for a 1-day pass. For more information on the Dressage Summit, or to purchase tickets, visit www.dressagesummit.com or call (855) 727-3554.
Does your barn or organization have news, tidbits or announcements you would like to share in the Off Centerline column, dedicated to dressage news. It can be something as fun as a wedding announcement, new horse purchased, upcoming clinics or exciting wins. Send to editor@sidelinesnews.com.
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