John Klopp Saves the Day
Monday, August 18 2014
by Editor
By Don Rosendale
All Photos Courtesy of Rebecca Barldridge
When John Klopp plays a few chukkers at the Mashomack Polo Club in Pine Plains, New York, he’s carrying more than just a polo mallet on his shoulder. If not for … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Signed Copies of the April Issue of Sidelines Magazine
Wednesday, March 27 2013
by Editor
By Jan Westmark-Allan I was in Wellington, Florida a few months ago and took part in the photo shoot of David Marcus that we did for our April cover of Sidelines Magazine.
- Published in Editor's Notes, Z-Blogs
My Story: Weathering The Perfect Storm
Tuesday, March 05 2013
by Editor
By David Marcus
For those who aren’t aware, I was eliminated in my Olympic debut in London this past year. Chrevi’s Capital and I were performing our grand prix test in the Olympic stadium during a horrific downpour. Unfortunately, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Tagged under:
2012 London Olympics, 2013 World Dressage Masters Palm Beach, 2014 World Equestrian Games in Normandy, Along for The Ride, Canadian Dressage Team, CDI-W NEDA Fall Festival in Saugerties, Chrevi's Capital, david marcus, David Marcus Dressage, Deborah Kinzinger, dressage, dressage-at-devon, dressage-championships, france, My Story, new york, sidelines-magazine,