California Hoofbeats: Colic Drama and the Mysterious Stall
By Susan Friedland-Smith
When I was a little girl, I kept asking God for a horse. It took many years before that prayer was answered, but at the age of 15 I finally was granted my request when I got … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
My Ride with the Law (at Rolex!)
By Susan Friedland-Smith
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d ever have the chance to ride the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country course during the “Best Weekend All Year” in April! Especially since I’ve had my horse … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Spotlight
Pipe Stalls Offer Great Views in California
By Susan Friedland-Smith
Question: When is a barn not a barn? In the United Kingdom when you go to ride horses at the “yard”? Or perhaps when you’re a home renovator who turns a legitimate horse barn into a house … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Spotlight
June 2015 – Table of Contents
What’s Happenin’
34 Ingate (Full Article)
60 Off Centerline (Full Article)
84 Asides (Full Article)
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46 | Cover Story: Alexandra Ladove: A Star in the Ring & on the Big Screen
18 … [Read more]
- Published in 06-2015, Front Cover
Eventer Barb Crabo and Eveready II
By Susan Friedland-Smith
When the high school bell rang signaling the end of the day, a young Barb Crabo, backpack in tow, bolted from the classroom and sprinted across the sports field where a bus driver was keeping an eye … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Having a Go at Playing Polo
By Susan Friedland-Smith
My first real-life exposure to polo took place when I was a teenager and somehow my non-horsey parents acquired tickets to a match at Oakbrook Polo Club outside Chicago. My impressions were that I’d love to gallop … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Spotlight
How I Met My Knight in Shining Horseshoes
By Susan Friedland-Smith
Happy horse-filled days are here again! After kissing several frogs, I found my tall, dark and handsome perfect equine match! The path that led to my new horse was long and arduous, sharing characteristics with the dating … [Read more]
- Published in General, Sidelines Spotlight