Thursday, December 23 2010
by Website Editor
Wow – what happened to December? Once we started feeling halfway healthy again, it was go-go-go in terms of meeting deadlines. Some stories, however, just don’t happen easily. That’s been the case for months with the story about Unwanted Horses. It’s a huge issue, driven on a lot of emotion and sentiment for these magnificent creatures. Finally it’s done, three days after deadline, and we just wish we would get the corrections or all-clear so we can email it to the editor who may be contemplating sticking pins into an elfish effigy that looks very much like us… whoa ho ho – OUCH! Holiday Cheer Christmas in Middleburg (VA) takes place the first Saturday in December. There’s a whole day of activities, starting with Breakfast with Santa & the Silent Auction at Middleburg Elementary School.
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
Thursday, December 23 2010
Jake Chalfin is a handsome, upbeat, charming gentleman. Growing up in northern Chester County, drawn to horses at an early age, he joined Pony Club and rode to hounds with Pickering Valley. He went away to college, returned home all grown up, got a day job to pay the bills, then did on his off hours what his heart directed.
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Road Trip – Part II
Tuesday, December 07 2010
"A little Sherry? Why, I don't mind if I do." As if it weren’t enough to have had the Green Spring hounds visit us on Thursday, two days later on Saturday, November 20, Cheshire packed up lock, stock and barrel and drove to Monkton, Maryland for a Joint Meet with Elkridge-Harford Hounds, meeting at Hanlon House, the farm of Mr
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CEqE The Basics & Build From There
Monday, December 06 2010
by Website Editor
When you set out to stabilize a young or green horse on the flat, you’re CEqEing for the foundation, the basic building blocks which will stand your equine in good stead for the rest of its life. Years ago (read younger and unaware of our mortality), we often took on ‘remedial’ projects, rehabbing Thoroughbreds off the track for foxhunters who held down full-time jobs
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Superb “Stable” of Sporting Photographers
Tuesday, November 23 2010
by Website Editor
We try to do it all, all the time, and we do get around. However, sometimes we come up face-to-face with the bruising reality that we can only do so much and we certainly cannot be in two (or more) places at one time! Therefore, we hark to certain photographers to fill in the blanks. Our ‘stable’ of tried and true shutterbugs includes: Jordan Koepke Douglas Lees – no website (but he has email and a cell phone!) Michelle C. Dunn Beth Harpham Brittany Hannah Wish we had a photo of everyone together, but will dig out pix for each of them… JORDAN KOEPKE Jordan does more than take great photos – she’s adept at photoshop and has fixed some jpegs for us, thereby saving our ‘derriere’ on more than one deadline-demented occasion
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
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Chapter 2: Lord Peter’s Continuing Ed…
Thursday, November 11 2010
by Website Editor
CEqE and you shall find… Well, that isn’t how “seek” is spelled, but it sounds just right. Continuing Equestrian Education has been a bit hit & miss the last 10 days, thanks to leaf mold allergies (ours) that delivered knockout-punches like you wouldn’t believe. Between sinuses and lungs, we have been hard put to breathe, but we’ll live, sort of, thanks to a regimen of Neti pot, garlic, raw onion, cayenne and other hot spices, and specific herbal teas. Our pony, on the other hand, is growing winter coat like there’s no tomorrow (and it’s in the 60s this week), plus putting time into his CEqE
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
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Fond Adieu to Milo
Thursday, November 04 2010
by Website Editor
We’re really going to miss Milo – a chestnut gelding who was Thoroughbred through and through. He was a crafty old fellow, opinionated, but essentially old-fashioned – he wouldn’t really hurt a human, but he managed to let you know exactly how he felt
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
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