New Classes, Top Quality Footing, Esteemed Clinicians, Championships and Sponsors Make Florida Gold Coast Circuit Huge Success
Friday, January 17 2014
by Editor
Tampa, FL – January 9, 2014 - The Florida Gold Coast and Gulf Coast Quarter Horse Circuits came to a close Monday, January 6, 2014 at the Bob Thomas Equestrian Center on the Florida State Fairgrounds. The Florida Gold Coast Quarter Horse Circuit has been met with rave reviews on all fronts, and it comes as no surprise.
- Published in Show World, Z-Blogs
Friday, January 17 2014
by Editor
Howdy Friends, It’s time to get your cowboy on We invite y’all to come on down, sit a spell and raise a li’l ruckus Yee Haw! January 31, 2014, Friday Evening, 6-10pm Live and Silent Auction Great Food & Great Sport For tickets click on the link below.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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bridge, bridge-farm, equestrian, hatchaway-bridge-farm, horse, horses, sidelines-magazine, the-barn-book, the-horse, what's happenin', wordpress-org
Tips for the Sitting Trot
Friday, January 17 2014
by Editor
The sitting trot is one of the most difficult gaits to master. If your horse has a big, bouncy stride, it can be even more challenging! Make it your goal to perfect the sitting trot this winter – here are some tips to get you started. Check Your Position Before you trot, check your position in the saddle
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
Good Food Hunting: New Uses for Old Things
Thursday, January 16 2014
by Editor
By Kat Nielsen Being eco-conscious is about not only helping ourselves and our animals thrive, but the world around us too. There are so many initiatives to get involved with that sometimes it’s a bit daunting. Baby steps are usually what it takes most people to change their lifestyle and not break back into old habits.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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bridge, bridge-farm, bute, catnip, egg shell, real simple, show clothes, wordpress-org
Customization in Barn Building: Why It’s Important For You!
Thursday, January 16 2014
by Editor
Whether you’re ordering a new blanket for your horse or are in the market for a new saddle, customization options are nice.
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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classic q&a, december-2013, industry, laurengallops, pacer pride, sidelines, tails & trails, the classic insider, wordpress-org
Thursday, January 16 2014
by Editor
Samantha Senft and Early Morning, 2012 Team Gold Medal at Young Riders for zone 4 Soon after I began my career as a trainer I met the Senft family. Karen Senft visited me during one of my travel lessons at a nearby facility and asked if I could come help her with some of her students at Hunters Pond farm
- Published in In the Irons, Z-Blogs
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archives, beyond the track, education, hopeful-amateur, pacer-pride, pony tales, samantha senft, the hopeful amateur
Thoroughbred Placement Resources, Inc. Accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries
Thursday, January 16 2014
by Editor
UPPER MARLBORO, Md, Jan. 14, 2014—On December 19, 2013 Thoroughbred Placement Resources was awarded Accredited status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS). “Being awarded GFAS Accredited status is an honor that will helps us further our mission to provide the best possible care for the horses we rescue, and to promote the overall welfare of the Thoroughbred horse,” said Kimberly Clark, founder of TPR, a non-profit organization which works to retrain and find qualified homes for retired Thoroughbreds, as well as to educate owners, trainers and the general public about the value of retired racehorses as show and pleasure horses.
- Published in Tails & Trails, Z-Blogs
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adopt, adoption, december-2013, gfas, horse, notes from the field, ranch, rescue, show world, success-stories, wordpress-org
Making The Decision to Retire Your Horse
Wednesday, January 15 2014
by Editor
Our horses give us a lot during their lives. Show careers and riding careers are demanding
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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chasin', classic-equine, equipment, higher education, horse, notes from the field, sidelines, the classic insider
GGT Footing with Cynthia Brewster-Keating and Brett Raflowitz from ESI
Tuesday, January 14 2014
by Editor
Cynthia of German based GGT, has Brett Raflowitz from Equestrian Services International, a top worldwide arena footing construction firm, take the time to explain the fundamentals of footing and many of the products available for every budget.
- Published in Sidelines TV
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New Year, New Semester, New Memories…
Tuesday, January 14 2014
by Editor
Sorry I am a bit late on this blog post.
- Published in Pacer Pride, Z-Blogs