Madison & Reagan Ibach: Making the Dream Happen With Equine Media
By Laura Scaletti
Basketball legend Michael Jordan said, “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen.” For the past decade, sisters Madison and Reagan Ibach have been documenting their daily equine interactions … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Carrying On a Family Tradition With Welsh Ponies at Loafers Lodge
John and Margaret Almond, Loafers Lodge
Monkton, Maryland
John is a County District Court Employee and Welsh Pony judge; Margaret is a small animal vet and owner of Shawsville Veterinary Hospital.
How long have you been part of the horse … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Lee and Sarah Tubman: A Love Story Down Centerline
By Kimberly Gatto
Portraits by Kristen Scott-Crocker
In dressage and in life, the greatest partnerships involve a delicate balance of chemistry, passion, sacrifice and respect, and for Lee and Sarah Tubman, that balance has become a way of life. The … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Liz Lund’s Recipe for Success
By Ruby Tevis
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Dedication, perseverance and a support team like no other—that’s Liz Lund’s recipe for eventing success. An accomplished eventer, breeder and trainer, Liz splits her time between Copeland Farms North in her home state … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Returning To The Show Ring
By Margie Sugarman
It’s been a while since I’ve shown. After Indoors we turned the horses out and let them be horses. But now it’s time and I’m getting ready to head to Florida for the winter circuit. I’m feeling … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Emily Dulin & Brooke USA: Helping Working Equines Around the World
By Ruby Tevis
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Emily Dulin has always been an animal lover, and helping others is in her blood. She’s the daughter of a Venezuelan ambassador and has spent much of her professional career working in social … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
February 2023 – Table of Contents
SUBSCRIBE NOW or Order Individual Issues Here!
Kirsten Hannah—hunter-jumper
In the Saddle and Behind the Lens
Vanessa Whittell—Art
Finding the Feeling Through Equine Art
Rob Jacobs—Hunter-Jumper
Making Mistakes Is Part of Riding
42… [Read more]
- Published in 02-2023, Front Cover
Looking for the Third (or Fourth) Generation
By George Williams
Warning, this column addresses the need for more volunteers! However, I’m not talking about stuffing envelopes or other similar tasks. Don’t get me wrong, those are essential jobs and I’m grateful to those who do them. This … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Alex and Andrew Welles: A Team at Home and in the Barn
Mornings. You either love them or hate them. For parents of young children, and equestrians in general, it doesn’t really matter if you like mornings or not. The kids are up early, the horses are up early—parenthood and horse show … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Planning for the Season Ahead
- Published in Weekly Feature