Year of the Horse in Review – Horse Think vs. People Think
Tuesday, December 02 2014
by Editor
A Fall Ride The Year of the Horse has sped by so quickly I am sure we live in a “time warp”. How can it possibly be December again ? I had so many juicy topics to address this year nicely laid out month by month and only needing a “tweek” here and there
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Do You Talk to Your Horse ? “HeartMind Speak” Part I
Tuesday, December 17 2013
by Editor
Horse-Human Communication For years I would ask people if they talked to their horses and if they heard what their horses said to them. I think this was a way to find out if there were other people out there who always heard the “little voices in their heads”. Come on all your closet ‘horse whispers” admit you talk to your horse all the time. You can tell alot about a trainer and your barn if you just listen to the dialogue going on
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Training a Safe Trail Horse -From Show Ring to Trails
Friday, August 23 2013
by Editor
Riding back from the show grounds in Wellington, FL Horses are “Free Roaming Social Herbivores” Last week I was riding, or should I say “rock climbing” horses up on top of the Continental Divide in Colorado facilitating a Horsewomen’s Retreat., but for most of the year I am in Wellington, Florida watching thousands of horses navigate golf carts, trucks, trailers, landscape blowers and big rigs.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
How To Evaluate Your Horse’s Temperament/Personality For Training
Tuesday, June 25 2013
by Editor
“So who are you and what do you like to do ? “ People Personalities vs.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Evaluating Your Horse’s Temperament For Training
Tuesday, June 25 2013
by Editor
“So who are you and what do you like to do ? “ People Personalities vs. Horse Personalities Everyone who has ever lived with a horse knows that each horse has a different temperament or personality.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
archives, education, equine, equine-behavior, florida, horse, horse-personalities, olympic sidelines, psychology, show world, the classic insider
Assessing Your Horse’s Temperament
Tuesday, June 25 2013
by Editor
“So who are you and what do you like to do ? “ Ever wonder why some horses are so simple to train and others or not ? Or why the horse jumped great at the barn when you tried her refuses to go into the ring at the show
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
boys, chasin', friends, history, horse, horse country chic, humans, motivation, training
Turning Fear into Confidence Part II – More on Body Language
Thursday, May 09 2013
by Editor
Having fun in the paddock with white plastic From Fear to Curiosity to Confidence When fear is reduced, curiosity surfaces. Curiosity is essential to stimulate learning. However, curiosity is not enough to build confidence, but rather the first step to a mentally healthy horse.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
chasin', dvd, environment, equine-behavior, florida, higher education, horse, horse psychology, horses, the classic insider, training a brave horse
Turning Equine Fear into Curiosity Part 1
Friday, March 29 2013
by Editor
Relaxing trail ride One of the most common issues I have worked on this show season has been to help horses over come fear, which of course leads to happy, calm, and confident horses. Which then leads to a better performance. With the USEF kicking off their Town Hall Meetings on equine welfare at horse shows at WEF on March 27, 2013, it seemed fitting to scratch beneath the surface of what causes over use of drugs or ltd (lunge-to-death) in the first place. We addressed “stress at horse shows” in the last blog, so now lets discuss a bit about fear – the other main culprit causing spookiness in horses.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
beyond the track, california, higher education, meetings, philosophy, pony tales, safe space in horses, sidelines, the classic insider, training
Horse Show Stress – How to Relax you and Your Horse
Thursday, March 14 2013
by Editor
Waiting at the Horse Show Horse Shows can be fun, but at the same time stressful . Horses and humans have similar mechanisms for managing stress and because of our different personalities respond differently to events. Being in Wellington, Florida I see lots of stress; stress in people and stress in horses.
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
california, calming-horses, florida, higher education, horse stress, horse-human interaction, managing stress, psychology
Body Language – How Horses Talk and When It Is Confusing
Tuesday, March 05 2013
by Editor
Confusing Greeting Does your horse always communicate clearly ? Horses, like people learn much of their behavior and most of their social skills when they are young from other horses
- Published in Between the Ears, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
beyond the track, body-language, california, ear-postures, florida, horse-talk, philosophy, what's my horse saying
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