USEF Announces Bartz, Keenan, Bibbler, Langer, and Leone to Receive Year’s Highest Equestrian Honors at the 2014 Pegasus Awards
Sunday, December 08 2013
by Editor
Lexington, Ky. – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) is pleased to announce the names of five equestrians who have been selected to receive the year’s most coveted honors. Awarded by the USEF, the Lifetime Achievement Award, Junior Equestrian of the Year, and the Pegasus Medals of Honor will be presented during the Pegasus Awards gala on Friday, January 10, at The Hyatt Regency Lexington in Lexington, Ky
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The 2014 Palm Beach Series Begins This Saturday at the Ridge at Wellington
Sunday, December 08 2013
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bridge, entries, equestrian, equine, hatchaway-bridge-farm, horse, horses, jumpers, the ridge, the-horse, what's happenin', wordpress-org
2014 FTI Consulting Great Charity Challenge Presented by Fidelity Investments® Draws 24 Charities at Wellington Chamber’s WinterFest
Friday, December 06 2013
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Wellington, Florida – December 3, 2013 – This holiday season, 400 Palm Beach County charities were hoping for a miracle.
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bridge, bridge-farm, hatchaway-bridge-farm, jumpers, speak up for kids, usef, wellington cares, wellington pto schools, wordpress-org
American Mustang Opening In Theaters
Friday, December 06 2013
by Editor
Last week, the Bureau of Land Management started another devastating helicopter round up of nearly 600 wild horses from open land in Wyoming. These horses became another statistic, added to the many thousands that have already lost their freedom due to mismanagement and poor policy by our government. We are writing you today to personally request your support
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Colorado Horse Park Awards Trainer Incentive Travel Packages : Trainers Win Trips to Africa and Argentina
Friday, December 06 2013
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Parker, CO – December 3, 2013 – At the conclusion of this year’s show season at the Colorado Horse Park, two hard-working trainers received an extra bonus. Rebecca Johnson won the Colorado Hunter Jumper Association (CHJA) show series award and Brianna Davis earned the series award for the USEF A-Rated shows, all managed and held at the Colorado Horse Park
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brianna davis, bridge, bridge-farm, equestrian, horse, ponies, rebecca johnson, usef a-rated, wordpress-org
Hydration Hay™ Research Update from Purina
Thursday, December 05 2013
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Horses Offered Purina ® Hydration Hay ™ Blocks Demonstrated Improved Markers of Hydration Status During Transport A SUMMARY OF PURINA ANIMAL NUTRITION SPONSORED RESEARCH 1,2 CONDUCTED AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COMMERCE EXAMINING THE HYDRATION STATUS OF HORSES RECEIVING HYDRATION HAY™ BLOCKS VERSUS TYPICAL LONG-STEM HAY DURING SUMMER TRANSPORT. INTRODUCTION The stress of transportation, especially during hot, humid weather conditions, can negatively impact horses’ health
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Good Food Hunting: Featherbed Rolls
Thursday, December 05 2013
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By Kat Wojtylak A batch of fresh rolls ready for the table. As you can imagine these rolls are light, fluffy and are perfect for any holiday meal.
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Jockey Rosie Napravnik is Official Spokesmodel for the 5th Annual “Hats off to the Horses: The Road to the Derby.”
Thursday, December 05 2013
by Editor
Proceeds from the online fashion auction to benefit Old Friends Thoroughbred Retirement Facility.
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James Lala’s Citrus Series to Debut in January at Jim Brandon
Wednesday, December 04 2013
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New Show Series Offers Experience for Developing Horses and Riders Wellington, FL – November 28, 2013 – A new hunter, jumper and equitation, monthly, year-round show series will debut in Wellington on January 3-4 at Jim Brandon Equestrian Center in Wellington, FL.
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Denim & Diamonds
Tuesday, December 03 2013
by Editor
The Florida Equine Champions Charity “FECC” is dedicated to the care and celebration of the lives of equine champions through advocacy, education and information, promoting equine entrepreneurship. The FECC promotes ALL equine breeds in a way to educate, inform and inspire.
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equine, fecc, hatchaway-bridge-farm, helen barbazon, horse, ponies, sidelines-magazine, the-barn-book, what's happenin'