Tredstep Ireland Expands Giotto Paddock Boot Collection Sizing
Wednesday, October 03 2012
by Editor
DUBLIN, Ireland – 28 September 2012 – Ever responsive to market demand, Tredstep Ireland has added a new, smaller sizing to their Giotto line of paddock boots making them available to customers in a size 36 EUR/6 U.S. Part of Tredstep’s stylish Renaissance Collection, the Giotto paddock boots embody Tredstep’s philosophy that the classics can be updated to gain high performance, without sacrificing beauty. The new sizing will be available from retailers in late October. The Giotto paddock boots provide equestrians with luxurious, long-wearing comfort and feature supple, full grain nappa leather and classic styling for everyday wear. Constructed for top performance, the boots are fitted with a moulded sport high-impact cushioning footbed with a dry-lex moisture wicking top layer and a forked Bartoli composite mid sole with an advanced shank providing stability and reducing foot fatigue
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beyond the track, chasin', education, giotto, higher education, holiday, nature, show world, sidelines, tredstep, tucker the wunderkind, what's happenin'
NARG is Now Taking Applications for $15,000 Rider’s Grant
Wednesday, October 03 2012
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Paws in the Park, San Antonio City Park
Wednesday, October 03 2012
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Jean Nathe Sunrise Rotarian and owner of Trade Mark sales, Inc. showing the New Pink Ribbon Tees available Paws in the Park was held Saturday September 29 th , 2012 in the San Antonio City Park from 9-1. Many activities went on including “Blessing of the Pets” by St.
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Sidelines Magazine HO HO HO HOliday & HOrses pHOto Contest! Enter Your Holiday Photos!
Wednesday, October 03 2012
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Sidelines Magazine HO HO HO - HO LIDAY & HO RSES P HO TO Contest October 1-14 Featuring great prizes. Grand Prize Winner’s photo will appear on the December cover of Sidelines Magazine.
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“The All Glory Project”: Pairing Ponies and Patriotism
Monday, October 01 2012
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Equine Extravaganza rallies to supports the “All Glory Project” and our troops! Richmond, VA: September 2012 In a tribute to Veteran’s Day, our troops Equine Extravaganza, in partnership with Elizabeth Shatner, is proud to announce a true paring of ponies and patriotism. Elizabeth Shatner is more than just an extraordinary horsewomen, judge and trainer. Her passion for helping wounded veterans and their families has evolved into the creation of “All Glory Project” (TAGP), a nonprofit organization that emphasizes the healing power of horses through Equine Assisted Therapy.
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Tredstep Ireland Updates Popular Donatello Field Boot with ‘Tall’ Sizing
Sunday, September 30 2012
by Editor
DUBLIN, Ireland – 20 August 2012 – In response to customer demand, Tredstep Ireland has unveiled a ‘Tall’ version of their best-selling Donatello riding boots. The additional sizing is designed to accommodate riders who have a longer leg, and those riders who prefer a taller silhouette. The new Donatello Tall boots will be available from U.S. retailers in November 2012
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aidan-keogh, chasin', director, donatello, donatello-field, education, european, renaissance, tails & trails, the offside, tucker the wunderkind, what's happenin'
IHSA Spotlight Riders
Sunday, September 30 2012
by Editor
Bowling Green University’s Kaitlin Mielnicki Hometown: Lebanon, Ohio School: Bowling Green State University – Bowling Green, Ohio Zone/Region: Zone 6, Region 1 Major: Pre-Veterinary Medicine (Biology) Graduating: 2012 IHSA Level: Advanced Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation Favorite thing about IHSA: I had no show experience prior to IHSA, but the association is accessible to riders of all levels, so it was so simple to get started! After four years with my incredible coach & teammates, I have been inspired to continue riding and showing after graduation. Bowling Green State University Equestrian Team
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SMU Equestrian: Mustangs Down Tennessee-Martin, Off To Best Start In School History
Sunday, September 30 2012
by Editor
SMU Mustangs MANHATTAN, Kan. (SMU) – The SMU equestrian team is off to the best start in school history, 3-0, after defeating Tennessee-Martin, 6-4, Saturday morning at Timbercreek Stables. “We are very pleased with our team after our first road trip of the season,” head coach Haley Schoolfield said.
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Beat Mother Nature at her own game in Kerrits’ Windpro® Winter Bootcut
Tuesday, September 25 2012
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animo-sale, china, december-2011, in the irons, injecting perspective, september-2010, september-2012, whats-happenin
ShowChic Kicks Off Animo Sale and Arlo’s Gift With Purchase at Dressage at Devon
Monday, September 24 2012
by Editor
The ShowChic dressage boutique is “styling” at Dressage at Devon – from their fantastic black and white themed booth to their cutting-edge Animo clothing line to “Arlo’s Gift with Purchase” program. (Photo by Animo) Devon, PA (September 24, 2012) – The ShowChic dressage boutique is “styling” at Dressage at Devon – from their fantastic black and white themed booth to their cutting-edge Animo clothing line to “Arlo’s Gift with Purchase” program. Michele and Doug Hundt, owners of ShowChic, an upscale dressage boutique based in Wellington, Florida, are on the fall dressage tour and are excited to be showing off their latest fashions at Dressage at Devon
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adventures with angelea, china, clothing, devon, dressage, education, georgia, higher education, nature, tucker the wunderkind