Heather Bender: A Life Filled With Extraordinary Adventures
By Laura Scaletti
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Heather Bender could fill a novel or two with the experiences she’s had both in and out of the saddle. Barrel racer, trick rider, jumper, Grand Prix dressage rider, scuba diver and tortoise … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Alyssa Phillips: From Sparkly Outfits to Cross-Country Wins
By Sarah Eakin
Portraits by Alex Banks
Eventer Alyssa Phillips started her equestrian career wearing a sparkly outfit and riding a Western horse named Chief. When she was 6, her family moved from the Texas countryside to Fort Worth, where … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Ansley Wright: College Adventure From Florida to California
By Jan Westmark Bauer
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Ansley Wright lives in sunny South Florida and is looking forward to her collegiate adventure, which will take her to another sunny state—it just happens to be 3,000 miles away. Ansley is … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Spotlight, Weekly Feature
Dapplebay: Horse Art on Everything
Leah Kaufmann
Edgewood, Washington
How did you become part of the horse world?
I’ve been obsessed with horses for as long as I can remember! I have been drawing them since I could hold a pencil and sketching out … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
October 2022 – Table of Contents
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Courtney Maum—Sidelines Snapshot
How Horses Helped Her Along
the Path to Mental Wellness
Cara Van Leuven–Art
No Limits of Artistic Expression
Harkaway Farm—Hunter-Jumper
Family Is the Heart … [Read more]
- Published in General
Nikki Scarpino: A Student of the Game
By Jennifer Cooke
Portraits by Melissa Fuller
Nikki Scarpino has a knack for working with difficult horses. Somehow, the challenging, quirky, oddball horses seem to find their way to her. Nikki’s approach to these horses is both sympathetic and pragmatic, … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
How Adaptability Increases Your Success Rate
By Rob Jacobs
The equestrian industry is one that requires those who participate in it to be flexible and able to adjust to the unpredictability of day-to-day operations. In general, most equestrians are routine oriented because we know our horses … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Enjoying a Gap Year in the Ring
Ryan Kenny
Alpharetta, Georgia
Amateur rider, taking a gap year before college
How long have you been part of the horse world?
I started riding at 12 years old. A family friend rode at a local barn near my house … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
Making the Perfect Fit: Alexandra Cherubini & EquiFit
By Britney Grover
Portraits by Isabel J. Kurek
Alexandra Cherubini had just graduated from Bates College and was living in New York, working at a public relations firm in early 2000. “At the time, I was not riding, and I … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature
A Tribute to Tradition
By George Williams
There is little doubt that dressage is steeped in deep tradition. Surprisingly, however, there are very few dressage shows that have been recognized by US Equestrian as “Heritage Competitions.” While there are admittedly few of these, one … [Read more]
- Published in Weekly Feature