Lauren Eisele & Brandon Howard: Opposites Attract and Are Better Together
By Britney Grover
Portraits by Kristie Nichols
Lauren Eisele and Brandon Howard describe themselves as yin and yang: total opposites that somehow complete each other. From their natural sleep schedules — Lauren would go to bed at 8 p.m. if … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome
I’m moving up a division and I feel like I don’t belong. Despite the years of training, I’m dealing with imposter syndrome. What can I do to shake this feeling off?
What exactly is the imposter syndrome? This syndrome is … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Jen Brandon: Jumping Out of the Frame
By Shya Beth
Jen Brandon’s painting style fits perfectly with the powerful and swift jumpers, delicate equine features being blurred into the brush strokes as her subject leaps over the obstacle. Jen, or “the girl behind the painting,” as she … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
McKenzie Cumbea: Mental Toughness, Consistency & Hard Work
By Lilly Steger
Portraits by Pam Jensen
McKenzie Cumbea is plucky and upbeat, and possesses the gutsy confidence that gets eventers into the startbox. “Fake your confidence if you have to,” she advised.
A Connecticut native, McKenzie grew up riding … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Dogs and Horses: Who is Liable?
By Armand Leone and Jessica E. Choper
Dogs and horses go hand in hand. Where there’s a barn or horse owner, there’s often a dog tagging along. More often than not, horses, dogs, and their people can coexist peacefully and … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Calista Yun: Saving Lives by Baking Cookies
By Britney Grover
When 13-year-old Calista Yun isn’t riding or doing her 7th grade schoolwork, she’s in the kitchen — baking and decorating horse treats for her business, Though it began with making treats for her own pony, Calista’s … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Opportunities for Young Riders in the Hunter-Jumper World
By Andrew Welles
From your experience as a trainer, what are ways young riders can grow in their training if they don’t have the means to have a string of horses of their own?
Take advantage of every opportunity the … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Jumping Cross-Country – Part 2 with Boyd Martin
Last month we talked about jumping single fences, water and banks. This month we’re talking about ditches and jumps that include ditches. Like most cross-country obstacles out there, the main key to introducing your horse to jumping ditches is confidence. … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Daniel and Cathy Geitner: Building a Business and a Family
By Laura Scaletti
Portraits by Shawna Simmons
If you asked Daniel and Cathy Geitner, ‘Were you raised in a barn?’ They both would proudly answer, ‘Yes!’ Not only were they raised there, they have chosen to raise their two children, … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature
Chloe Smyth: Eventing With Hounds, Horses and Heart
By Tafra Donberger
Portraits by Kristin Lee
After meeting eventer Chloe Smyth, it’s easy to see that she lives, breathes and dreams horses. Chloe has funneled her deep passion for the animals into a climb up the levels in the … [Read more]
- Published in Sidelines Feature