Monday, February 20 2012
by Website Editor
The Paradise Farm Winter Horse Trials took place this weekend, February 17-19, in Aiken, South Carolina with some 280 rider/horse combinations registered to compete Beginner Novice through Preliminary. Paradise Farm is situated in the middle of the eventing venues of Aiken, just east of Downtown. Paradise Farm looking toward the Cross Country Course
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Masters of the (Dressage) Universe!
Sunday, January 29 2012
by Editor
It was not quite a foregone conclusion, but our man Steffen upheld his title as World Dressage Masters Palm Beach champion tonight in Florida, to the delight of a full house and online viewers around the world. Freestyle night of the 2012 World Dressage Masters series season opener was sure to be packed –with people and with excitement, but even though the top two results were the same as yesterday’s Grand Prix, the night wasn’t without a few twists and turns. It’s difficult to pick just a few adjectives to describe Steffen and Ravel, because all that come to mind apply. They simply mastered their freestyle, which Steffen said was the best he’d ever felt with Ravel. “I’ve never done a better freestyle,” he said. “He just felt simply amazing.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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It’s Not the Stars That Matter, It’s the Stars That Matter
Saturday, January 28 2012
by Editor
Just another Thursday night in Wellington. If only every dressage show included gold bikini-clad fire dancers, mermaids lounging about in an infinity pool, and chandelier ice sculptures. The organizers of the World Dressage Masters Palm Beach sure know how to attract a crowd, and the place was packed with all of the above, as well as a who’s who roster of dressage stars and their hangers-on last night at the…..exhibitor’s party. What, did you think I was talking about the competition?
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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1 of 27,000
Monday, January 23 2012
by Editor
Attention horse world: A Thoroughbred racehorse was born yesterday in Kentucky. Rachel Alexandra's first foal was born at Stonestreet Farm in Lexington, KY While you ponder that momentous event and fawn over his famous pedigree (Curlin x Rachel Alexandra), stop and consider this: If this little guy doesn’t inherit his parents’ talent for speed, will he be looked after by good owners for the next 30-odd years of his life? Call me a downer, but the collective oohs and aahs and cute baby foal pictures that saturated social media feeds this morning were a reminder that only a small percentage of Thoroughbreds make it to the track, and an even smaller percentage become successful racehorses. What of the adorable foals just like Rachel Alexandra’s first colt, that don’t cut it? Without jumping into the dredges of the horse slaughter debate (that’s Lauren Gallops ‘ job), I give a nod to all the throwaway TBs of the racing industry that are somewhere out there right now. Many of them started life in a bed of thick straw on a beautiful Kentucky farm, too
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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Over the (Brandywine) River and through…
Sunday, January 15 2012
by Website Editor
Late Autumn in Chester County was punctuated by crystalline days, an errant snow and unrelenting weekly rains. Staff and hounds continued to leave the kennels three mornings a week to pursue Mr. Fox. One morning a hard frost covered the Doe Run Valley, every tree, blade of grass and fence rail, with silver. Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds meets every Thanksgiving morning at 11:00 at the Kennel Lawn. The “field” of riders grows to twice its size from the week before, enlarged by students home on break from college, friends and family in from out of town. Non-riding members of the community are encouraged to come out, meet the hounds and watch the hunt take off from the hill overlooking Plantation Field, home to a major Three Day Event competition. The crowd arriving to watch is so large that traffic control is warranted. Some spectators come prepared for a tailgate party.
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Tomato, Tomahhhhto.
Saturday, January 07 2012
by Editor
One man’s vision is another man’s abomination, as recent events have proven true in the tiny equestrian village and/or burgeoning international equestrian hub that we all call Wellington. If you’ve been living under a rock these past months, now is the time to crawl out of it and Google “Global Dressage Festival.” Mark Bellissimo and Wellington Equestrian Partners know how to garner attention, and when they announced plans for a sweeping international-caliber competition facility for dressage back in March 2011, heads swiveled so fast around the globe that you could hear the whiplash.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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Year in Review, Part II
Thursday, December 22 2011
by Editor
Don’t be fooled, On the Line’s perspective of the year in review is more People Magazine than New York Times , but oh what fun everyone haves indulging in a good issue of People . It’s ok, you can admit it too. These moments and events represent a very small but entertaining snapshot of our horse world during the last six months of 2011
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Year In Review, Part I
Tuesday, December 20 2011
by Editor
The Gospel of George. Helmet-wearing. Le Club, an oxygen bar and alligator half chaps.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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Autumn in Cheshire Country
Wednesday, December 07 2011
by Website Editor
A Visual Recap of Foxhunting in Cheshire Country, Autumn, 2011 –::– Opening Meet, Formal Hunting, Runnymede Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Formal Hunting moves to 11:00 A.M. in November from 9:00 the previous month. Riders met at St. Malachi Church to park their vehicles and hacked to the Meet at Runnymede, about a mile away, down the hill and a long driveway, along a creek ruled by a venerable Blue Heron. The Joint Masters, Huntsman and Whip, wearing Pinque for the first time this season, are joined by the Field (the riders following the hounds) on the lawn of Runnymede. Runnymede is known for its broad, open fields and sloping terrain, punctuated by fences with gates and coops, with creeks emptying to the Doe Run, and eventually to the Brandywine River. –::– Byrd Road, Webbs Woods Saturday, November 5, 2011 The Meet at Byrd Road encompasses a large woods, Webbs Woods, and is flatter than Runnymede, with many foxes. The Meet is close by the Veterinary School at the University of Pennsylvania, New Bolton. Cheshire encourages family participation and many children join their parents on the hunt
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Rest In Peace.
Sunday, November 06 2011
by Editor
Courtesy of Spruce Meadows Media Services Hickstead Dutch-bred stallion by Hamlet 2008 Olympic Champion Best Horse, 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Winner, CN Spruce Meadows Masters, Grand Prix of Aachen, CN $1 Million International Grand Prix, countless others. 1996 – 2011.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
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archives, florida, grooms-unite, injecting perspective, laurengallops, on the line, photos, september-2009, september-2010, september-2011