Will Diving Horses Return to Atlantic City?
Thursday, February 02 2012 by Editor
Do I ever love the movie Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken . The real life story of Sonora Carver, orphan, runaway and brave young girl who had a dream of becoming a “diving girl” at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. Disney worked its best magic when it brought her story to the big screen, and me and my fellow horse-crazy friends watched it on a loop when it was released in 1991.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: adrotate, chasin', injecting perspective, november-2009, on the line, part-ii, photos, september-2009, september-2010, september-2011, stars
Masters of the (Dressage) Universe!
Sunday, January 29 2012 by Editor
It was not quite a foregone conclusion, but our man Steffen upheld his title as World Dressage Masters Palm Beach champion tonight in Florida, to the delight of a full house and online viewers around the world. Freestyle night of the 2012 World Dressage Masters series season opener was sure to be packed –with people and with excitement, but even though the top two results were the same as yesterday’s Grand Prix, the night wasn’t without a few twists and turns. It’s difficult to pick just a few adjectives to describe Steffen and Ravel, because all that come to mind apply. They simply mastered their freestyle, which Steffen said was the best he’d ever felt with Ravel. “I’ve never done a better freestyle,” he said. “He just felt simply amazing.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: adrotate, archives, ingate, november-2009, onward, upward, part-ii, photos, september-2009, september-2011, stars, tomato, year-in-review
1 of 27,000
Monday, January 23 2012 by Editor
Attention horse world: A Thoroughbred racehorse was born yesterday in Kentucky. Rachel Alexandra's first foal was born at Stonestreet Farm in Lexington, KY While you ponder that momentous event and fawn over his famous pedigree (Curlin x Rachel Alexandra), stop and consider this: If this little guy doesn’t inherit his parents’ talent for speed, will he be looked after by good owners for the next 30-odd years of his life? Call me a downer, but the collective oohs and aahs and cute baby foal pictures that saturated social media feeds this morning were a reminder that only a small percentage of Thoroughbreds make it to the track, and an even smaller percentage become successful racehorses. What of the adorable foals just like Rachel Alexandra’s first colt, that don’t cut it? Without jumping into the dredges of the horse slaughter debate (that’s Lauren Gallops ‘ job), I give a nod to all the throwaway TBs of the racing industry that are somewhere out there right now. Many of them started life in a bed of thick straw on a beautiful Kentucky farm, too
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: archives, cheval-photos, december-2009, february-2010, hunter-prix, lauren gallops, living-in-gray, on the line, onward, upward, photos, september-2009, tomato
Year in Review, Part II
Thursday, December 22 2011 by Editor
Don’t be fooled, On the Line’s perspective of the year in review is more People Magazine than New York Times , but oh what fun everyone haves indulging in a good issue of People . It’s ok, you can admit it too. These moments and events represent a very small but entertaining snapshot of our horse world during the last six months of 2011
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: archives, december-2009, february-2010, grooms-unite, hunter-prix, living-in-gray, onward, upward, photos, september-2009
Rest In Peace.
Sunday, November 06 2011 by Editor
Courtesy of Spruce Meadows Media Services Hickstead Dutch-bred stallion by Hamlet 2008 Olympic Champion Best Horse, 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Winner, CN Spruce Meadows Masters, Grand Prix of Aachen, CN $1 Million International Grand Prix, countless others. 1996 – 2011.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: archives, florida, grooms-unite, injecting perspective, laurengallops, on the line, photos, september-2009, september-2010, september-2011
A Gloriously Good Read.
Thursday, October 13 2011 by Editor
If you’re the kind of nerd who rewards yourself with a good book and a nice spot on the couch after a hectic work week, get ready to fire up your Kindle. Proceed immediately to Amazon.com and download Blaze of Glory, by m. garzon. Do not be swayed by the conventional title, the Young Adult label, or the very young child on the cover who has nothing at all to do with the actual story. Thanks to Horse Junkies United , On the Line discovered an addicting guilty pleasure of a novel last week with a level of steam and scandal that is way over the top –and oh so enjoyable to read
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: chasin', february-2010, florida, grooms-unite, hunter-prix, laurengallops, living-in-gray, on the line, september-2009, september-2010
Dressage Soul Sister: Found.
Tuesday, August 23 2011 by Editor
From start to finish, reading the new novel The Dressage Chronicles by Karen McGoldrick, felt like sitting around a barn aisle somewhere with close friends and a closer adult beverage, gossiping for hours about horses and the crazy cool people who surround them. By the time I reached the last page of this book, a debut effort by dressage rider and trainer extraordinaire McGoldrick, this show jumper was ready to reach across the discipline divide and give her equestrian soul sister a fist pump.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: adrotate, archives, california, december-2009, grooms-unite, injecting perspective, laurengallops, living-in-gray, photos, rebecca-farm, september-2009
Grooms Unite!
Thursday, August 11 2011 by Editor
I’ve shined boots that were not my own. I’ve cleaned the stalls of horses worth more money than I can ever hope to earn. I’ve swept the same aisle multiple times per day, and still suffered a disapproving stare for missing a single shaving along the way. Have you? If so you can relate to grooming. Being one, that is
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
A Teachable Moment.
Wednesday, August 03 2011 by Editor
Hello, everyone out there across the interwebs? Just simmer down for a moment, won’t you? You know who you are. On the Line knows that there are only two reasons for a vertical spike in traffic to this web address.
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: archives, california, december-2009, february-2010, injecting perspective, on the line, onward, upward, photos, rebecca-farm, rodrigo pessoa, september-2009
Rodrigo Pessoa Teaches First-Ever U.S. Clinic in Sonoma, California
Wednesday, August 03 2011 by Editor
Rodrigo Pessoa taught his first-ever jumping clinic in the United States this week, at the Sonoma Horse Park in Northern California. It was a highly anticipated event that fell between two weeks of horse shows at the venue, which is just two years old and thriving. (If you’re a regular Sidelines reader you might remember my profile of show manager Ashley Herman , pub March 2011). The facility is impressive, the scenery gorgeous, and riders in Northern California continue to flock to it for its series of excellent shows held May – September. But back to the clinic. On the Line did spend the weekend in Sonoma, but had to jet back to Florida early, regrettably taking a pass on the clinic. I was curious to know if Rodrigo took an active interest in the riders, how he dealt with the different horses, and how the riders responded to him
- Published in On the Line, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: adrotate, california, december-2009, dressage, nayrjc, photos, rebecca-farm, september-2009, september-2010
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