New Home for SMU Equestrian
Thursday, January 30 2014
by Editor
Hey Y’all. The home of SMU Equestrian is no longer BuckBranch Farm. The Mustangs have recently moved to Sleepy P Ranch, approximately 30 miles outside of Dallas in Bartonville, Texas
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archives, beyond the track, chasin', december-2013, pacer pride, pony tales, the-barn-book, wordpress-org
The Importance of Automatic Waterers During the Winter
Thursday, January 30 2014
by Editor
With the current cold front blanketing much of the country, many horse owners are faced with the challenge of keeping drinking water unfrozen and available to their horses.
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
David Offen from the Polo Players Support Group on SidelinesTV
Wednesday, January 29 2014
by Editor
Co-founder of the Polo Players Support Group, David Offen describes the genesis of the organization and the various ways they are helping the polo community.
- Published in Sidelines TV
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adobe, bizarre, david-offen, international polo club, nba, players-support, polo, robert-jordan, sports, video, windows
Schoolmasters and What They Can Give To Us
Wednesday, January 29 2014
by Editor
Have you ever been lucky enough to ride a schoolmaster? Schoolmasters can be invaluable to our development as riders. If you ever have the opportunity to ride a schoolmaster, jump at it! Here’s why.
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
Making the Most of Wild Winter Weather with Help from George H. Morris and the USEF
Tuesday, January 28 2014
by Editor
In an unusual turn of events, the winter weather has begun to seriously affect us in southern Alabama. The freezing rain and sleet even has a name, Leon.
- Published in The Hopeful Amateur, Z-Blogs
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amateur-based, equestrian, georgemorris, leaving-behind, sidelines, texas, the-challenges, usef, wef, wordpress-org
Randi Goulding of Green River Farm on SidelinesTV
Tuesday, January 28 2014
by Editor
Barn manager Randi Goulding of Green River Farm explains how she has implemented a whole food diet for all their horses and how easy it is to get started.
- Published in Sidelines TV
The Right-Sized Barn
Tuesday, January 28 2014
by Editor
A good design is one that uses materials wisely and space efficiently. If you’re building a barn , take a Goldilocks approach: it shouldn’t be too big or too small. But how do you know what is just right?
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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architect, archives, barn building 101, december-2013, higher education, hopeful-amateur, in the irons, pacer pride, september-2013, sidelines
Kick off to the season!
Tuesday, January 28 2014
by Editor
The 2014 show season has begun! The USC Aiken Event team kicked off the season with a wonderful event at Full Gallop Farm! The show ran great! The courses were fun and the weather even warmed up a bit for us to make it a beautiful day.
- Published in Pacer Pride, Z-Blogs
The Budenny
Monday, January 27 2014
by Editor
If you have ever seen a Budenny horse in North America, then you’ve been truly lucky – there are only about 30 of them living in the country today. The Budenny was originally developed as a Russian cavalry horse, but the breed has proven to be an excellent sport and riding horse .
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
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boots-right, education, equine, equine-facility, industry, pacer pride, pacer-pride, september-2013, show world, the hopeful amateur
Announcing the U.S. Para-Equestrian Dressage Chef d’Equipe/Technical Advisor Kai Handt
Sunday, January 26 2014
by Editor
Wellington, FL- January 23, 2014- As the 2014 Para-Dressage season kicks into gear, the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has announced Kai Handt as the U.S. Para-Equestrian Dressage Chef d’Equipe/Technical Advisor
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
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bridge, bridge-farm, entries, equestrian, equine, para-equestrian dressage, riding, sidelines-magazine, the-horse