Letter from the Editor – April 2011
Monday, March 21 2011
by Website Editor
- Published in 04-2011, Letter from Editor
Asides – April 2011
Monday, March 21 2011
by Website Editor
Ingate – April 2011
Monday, March 21 2011
by Website Editor
Off Centerline – April 2011
Monday, March 21 2011
by Website Editor
- Published in 04-2011, Off Centerline
Tagged under:
competition, cup, equestrian, finals, game, medalist, organization, peters, riders, steffen, therapeutic, world
Check out this FUGLY HORSE post!
Friday, March 04 2011
by Website Editor
Even if you don’t breed, you gotta read this latest Best of Fugly Horse of the Day post, written by our alter-ego/kindred spirit on the west coast. It’s a great set of “10 Questions” with Fugly replies that zing at your third eye with the speed of a stray dart hurled in a rowdy sports bar! We think along parallel lines with this horseperson in many ways, but she’s got the brass to come right out and say this stuff !!! The truth often hurts. It can also set you free. As Meredith says on Grey’s Anatomy: But here’s the truth about the truth. It hurts
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
bridge, bridge-farms, entries, eventing-nation, hatchaway-bridge-farms, nation, sidelines, sidelines-magazine, wordpress-org
Bits & News Bites…
Monday, February 28 2011
by Website Editor
If only we had more time! But we don’t, so we disappeared for three weeks – blame it on deadline after deadline. We shouldn’t be here now, trying to post a long overdue blog, because – yes, you got it – deadlines!!! Oh, well, you can’t win ‘em all. FIRST ITEM: We caught up with Dr. Temple Grandin at a gallop, literally, a couple of weeks ago
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
bridge-farms, entries, eventing, hatchaway-bridge-farms, nation, sidelines, sidelines-magazine, us-eventing-association
Unwanted Horses: Complex Quandary For HorseLovers
Thursday, February 03 2011
by Website Editor
In the February 2011 issue of Sidelines, we tackled head on the issue of Unwanted Horses, a story that seriously challenged us – emotionally, mentally and psychologically. Entitled For The Love of Horses, we went into detail about the plight of unwanted horses, whose numbers continue to increase so that there are too many to save. In spite of heroic efforts by rescue organizations and concerned individuals, horses are falling through the cracks, so to speak, and taking horrific one-way trips to Mexico where humane regulations do not exist. Simply put, the 2007 legislation shut down horse processing plants in the United States, but did nothing to stop the flow of unwanted horses across the northern and southern borders. Canada has strong support to legislate a ban against US horses being sent up there for slaughter, but that doesn’t mean a closure of their processing facilities. Mexico has a contract with the European Union: should that be terminated, horses destined for the abattoir will find their way into the local meat market.
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Tagged under:
bridge-farms, eventing, eventing-nation, hatchaway-bridge-farms, nation, sidelines, sidelines-magazine, the-barn-book, wordpress-org
Vote for Bella Zorra!!!
Wednesday, January 19 2011
by Website Editor
Okay, so we’ve been “awol” for a while. Heck, our own pony didn’t see us for two weeks, because of weather and deadlines – gaaaah, deadlines – talk about a Bah, Humbug! However, we are pleased to introduce you all to our new doggle-for-life, Bella Zorra, adopted in early December from the Middleburg Humane Foundation
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
Thursday, December 23 2010
by Website Editor
Wow – what happened to December? Once we started feeling halfway healthy again, it was go-go-go in terms of meeting deadlines. Some stories, however, just don’t happen easily. That’s been the case for months with the story about Unwanted Horses. It’s a huge issue, driven on a lot of emotion and sentiment for these magnificent creatures. Finally it’s done, three days after deadline, and we just wish we would get the corrections or all-clear so we can email it to the editor who may be contemplating sticking pins into an elfish effigy that looks very much like us… whoa ho ho – OUCH! Holiday Cheer Christmas in Middleburg (VA) takes place the first Saturday in December. There’s a whole day of activities, starting with Breakfast with Santa & the Silent Auction at Middleburg Elementary School.
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs
CEqE The Basics & Build From There
Monday, December 06 2010
by Website Editor
When you set out to stabilize a young or green horse on the flat, you’re CEqEing for the foundation, the basic building blocks which will stand your equine in good stead for the rest of its life. Years ago (read younger and unaware of our mortality), we often took on ‘remedial’ projects, rehabbing Thoroughbreds off the track for foxhunters who held down full-time jobs
- Published in Lauren Gallops, Z-Blogs